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On March 15, the Latin America Working Group, Center for International Policy and Washington Office on Latin America, along with many other faith-based organizations, humanitarian agencies and nongovernmental organizations, sent a letter asking Congress "not to turn your backs on the most vulnerable people in Latin America nor abandon wise investments that create lasting peace and security for our hemisphere as you make difficult choices on...

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  • According to a report released by Mexico's human rights commission, CNDH, last weekend, 5,397 people have been reported missing in Mexico since the country’s president, Felipe Calderón, declared war on the drug cartels in late 2006. 3,457 of the missing are men and 1,885 are women. The remaining 55 cases are unknown. Days before the report was released, the United Nations Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary
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  • The U.S. and Colombian governments announced this week that they have reached a breakthrough on the long-stalled U.S.-Colombia Free Trade Agreement. Under the agreed upon "Action Plan," Colombia will phase in a series of steps to expand protections for unions and workers, boost the prosecution of those who violate workers' rights, and hire as many as 480 new labor inspectors over the next four years (see this Fact Sheet (
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Adam looks at the preliminary result of Haiti's election, revelations of plush conditions for Colombian military human rights abusers, and a UN human rights body's recommendation that Mexico take the armed forces out of internal security.

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  • The U.S. Congress held five hearings in two days with relevance for Latin America. Click the links to read
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  • MEDELLÍN: The Central Directorate of Judicial Police and Intelligence (Dijin) captured Juan Esteban Sanmartín Rodríguez, alias “Sergio” or “Mateo” in Medellín, El Tiempo reported Friday. Dijin ran several operations in Meta and Caucasia to capture Sanmartín before he was finally captured in the Antioquia department. He is believed to be the third in command of “Los Rastrojos” and authorities believe he is responsible for at least 14 murders over
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