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The State Department has just released its annual International Narcotics Control Strategy Report (INCSR), which details foreign countries’ efforts, both U.S.-aided and otherwise, to halt the production and transit of illegal drugs.

While a generally useful document, the report paints a confusing picture of cocaine production. The...

A recording of a presentation by WOLA's Adam Isacson, given at George Washington University's Elliott School on February 28. The handout referenced in the piece is viewable below, or download it here.

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  • This week saw an increase in tension between the United States and Mexico as President Felipe Calderón expressed his frustration with comments made in U.S. diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks. In an interview with El Universal, President Calderón noted that U.S. "cooperation on an institutional level has ended up being notoriously insufficient" and complained that the United States
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Here’s a rundown of news from Mexico this week:

  • Members of the military clashed with suspected cartel members in Jacona Thursday night, leaving two people dead. Authorities are unsure to which criminal organization the two dead belonged, according to an article in the Mexican paper, El Universal.
  • Jesus Quirarte Ruvalcaba, the head of a Mexican state police department that targets car thieves, and his wife, Maria Guadalupe Aldrete Rosales, were
  • ...
Government-sponsored forum to denounce "media terrorism," Caracas, 2009.

The Press Emblem Campaign, a Swiss-based NGO,...

On Tuesday, El Universal, one of Mexico City's leading newspapers, published an interview with Mexican President Felipe Calderón, in which he expressed his frustrations with U.S. diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks. The cables discussed the shortcomings of Mexico's intelligence services, the conduct of its...


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