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The following post was authored by WOLA Fellow Lucila Santos.

In recent months, controversy has arisen over U.S. agencies’ training of Argentine police officers. As different political actors in Argentina argue about whether or not this training is appropriate, legitimate and/or useful, it is worth reviewing the extent of Argentines’ participation in U.S. training programs and exercises. We can do so by consulting reports presented to the U.S. Congress.

The U.S. Department...

How many Mexican military and police personnel did the United States train in 2009? The answer varies very widely, depending on which official U.S. government source you consult.

Last May, a report from Republican staff on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee [PDF] reproduced an entire State Department document about the status of aid deliveries to Mexico. This document showed that the U.S. Embassy’s Narcotics Affairs Section alone, spending funds from the State Department’s International Narcotics Control and Law...

WOLA Intern Ana Goerdt attended last week's House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing with Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. Several members of the committee had Latin America-related questions, and Ana took good notes. Here they are.

Assessing U.S. Foreign Policy Priorities and Needs Amidst Economic Challenges

Hearing of the House Foreign Affairs Committee

March 1, 2011

On Tuesday March 1, 2011, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton...



Norte de Santander


  • Antioquia


  • CAMPAMENTO: The military denounced an attack on a school in Campamento Wednesday morning that they attributed to the FARC. No one was hurt in the attack because students were not in classes, but damage was reported at the Chorros Blancos school and seven nearby homes.
  • ...

Adam talks to Steven Dudley, co-founder of the recently launched website, about this new resource and organized crime and narcotrafficking trends in the region.

Subscribe to the "Just the Facts" podcast here and on iTunes. Thank you for listening.


Following on the previous post about the State Department's International Narcotics Control Strategy Report, released today: A big hat-tip is due Bloggings By Boz for noticing a significant drop in the number of tons of cocaine interdicted by Mexican authorities in 2010. The 9.4 tons seized in 2010 compares...


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