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Adam looks at Peru's presidential vote, which is four days away; the "high level partnership dialogue" that has many Colombian diplomats visiting Washington; and a bill before Brazil's Congress that may make it easier to cut down the Amazon rainforest.

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The Center for International Policy's TransBorder Project is pleased to share its new report "Policy on the Edge: Failures of Border Security and New Directions for Border Control." This new International Policy Report discusses the...


  • SOPETRÁN: Nine bodies were found in three mass graves in rural Sopetrán, Antioquia police chief José Gerardo Acevedo said on Sunday. The bodies, discovered Saturday, appear to be nine of the ten people taken hostage from a local property, missing since April 24. Information obtained following the
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In this 50th episode of the Just the Facts Podcast, Adam talks with Daniel Mejía, an economist from Colombia's Universidad de los Andes, who just co-edited a book, "Éxitos, fracasos y extravíos," which thoroughly critiques, and proposes alternatives to, the U.S.-backed anti-drug policy in Colombia.

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  • The Houston Chronicle reports that only 59% of Mérida Initiative aid appropriated since 2008 to Mexico has been delivered. And, according to U.S. officials, only 75% of the spending is due to be completed by mid-2012. As the delivery of assistance to Mexico "slows to a crawl," violence, and the number of people displaced from their homes, is growing in Mexico. The Internal Displacement Monitoring Center in Norway estimates that
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Adam looks at the Cartagena Accord allowing deposed President Manuel Zelaya to return to Honduras, the Victims and Land Restitution Law that passed Colombia's Senate, and the impact of U.S. sanctions on Venezuela's state oil company.

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