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Adam discusses Assistant Secretary of State Arturo Valenzuela's resignation, Ecuador's referendum results, and the anti-violence march in Mexico.

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Gen. Gustavo Matamoros at his farewell press conference (source: Semana magazine).


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  • April was the deadliest month in the history of the drug war, with more than 1,400 deaths, according to statistics released last Sunday. The previous high of 1,322 was hit in August, 2010. Most of the deaths occurred in northern Mexico and 450 of the dead were uncovered in mass graves found in Tamaulipas and Durango. The majority of those people were migrants on their way to
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Ecuadorians are voting tomorrow on a list of ten questions, proposed by left-of-center President Rafael Correa, having to do with possible legal and constitutional reforms. Polls indicate that while awareness of the questions is low, all of them will be approved.

Some, particularly those having to do with judicial...

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  • The major story last week was the arrest of Joaquín Pérez Becerra, the FARC's alleged spokesman. Pérez, also known as Alberto Martinez, was detained at a Venezuelan airport after arriving in the country on a flight from Frankfurt, Germany. Interpol accuses him of conspiracy to commit crimes and financing terrorism and he is believed to be the editor of the Sweden-based Anncol, which regularly publishes FARC material. Pérez denies
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Adam and Abigail are doing field research in Colombia this week, but will be back and posting to the "Just the Facts" blog next week. In the meantime, here is a video of what the city of Tumaco, Colombia looks like if you hold your camera out the window of your taxi.

Driving through Tumaco, Colombia from Adam Isacson on Vimeo.


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