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The Latin America Working Group Education Fund & Lutheran World Relief released a new report this month titled "No Relief in Sight: Report from Caribbean Coast of Colombia" (PDF). The report is based on information gathered during a recent trip to Córdoba, Sucre and the city of Barranquilla in northern...

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  • Despite ongoing drug violence, tourism in Mexico was up 12.4 percent in the first quarter of 2011.
  • Julian Zapata Espinoza, the ringleader of the group of men responsible for killing U.S. ICE agent Jaime Zapata in February may be extradited, according to
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Adam discusses what we know about an apparent Zetas massacre of 27 people in Guatemala's Petén, the campaign for Peru's June 5 presidential runoff, and an argument between President Juan Manuel Santos and former President Álvaro Uribe.

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  • SAN VINCENTE DE CAGUÁN: One child and five adults were injured when members of the military mistakenly shot into their car on Monday. The car was carrying 15 people and according to Andrés Fajardo Castañeda, who was in the car, people inside the car shouted to the soldiers that they were civilians and there were
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  • Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs Arturo Valenzuela announced that he will step down from his post this summer and return to his teaching position at Georgetown University
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