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This section includes the latest news relating to U.S. security policy around the world. Updated daily, the news provided in this searchable database highlights the most relevant security developments from around the world. 

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Friday, June 10, 2016
Colombia guerrilla group FARC made at least $22.4 million with drug trafficking since 1995, according to the country’s chief prosecutor. The Prosecutor General’s Office has been putting together massive criminal files against the Marxist guerrilla group that is currently negotiating an end to more than half a century of war between the state and the rebels.English
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Friday, June 10, 2016
Russian media announced that Moscow would provide financial assistance and weapons to Turkmenistan forces, according to EurasiaNet. Turkmenistan has remained neutral, but authorities grow increasingly worried over the growing instability in neighboring Afghanistan. President Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov stated that he intends to upgrade the military and improve soldier training.English
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Friday, June 10, 2016
Hector Luis “El Güero” Palma Salazar is scheduled to be released from the United States Bureau of Prisons in the coming days. Palma will be turned over to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which is coordinating with Mexican officials his direct return to Mexican authorities.English
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Wire Service: 
Friday, June 10, 2016
Lebanon Tuesday received the latest batch of military aid from the United States worth $3.6 million aimed at improving the Army’s mapping capabilities. Interim U.S. Ambassador Richard Jones visited the Army air base at Beirut’s airport early Tuesday to witness the delivery of sophisticated mapping equipment to the Lebanese Army, the U.S. Embassy said.English
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Friday, June 10, 2016
Peru recently inaugurated the Regional Complex for Disaster Preparation and Response in the region of La Libertad. The installation cost more than $2 million and was financed by U.S. Southern Command (SOUTHCOM). The complex will help personnel be prepared for natural disasters. English
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Friday, June 10, 2016
A new report provides details on the different levels of sophistication with which criminal groups run sex trafficking rings in Guatemala, shedding light on the business side of a highly lucrative criminal industry. English
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Friday, June 10, 2016
Amnesty International said on Friday that Nigeria's army last month killed at least 17 unarmed members of a group calling for secession from Africa's most populous nation, but the military dismissed the allegations as unfounded.English
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Friday, June 10, 2016
Amidst the disputes that arose over the efficiency of the missile defense system, Montenegro’s accession to NATO and Russia’s new military build-up, the new engagements of the South Caucasus states with NATO that are seemingly underway were somewhat overshadowed. Three rather interesting moves, linking NATO even more closely with the region, could lead to changing realities in the wider Black Sea region and inherently provoke Russia to be even more belligerent.English
Eurasia Regional
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Friday, June 10, 2016
A national commission in Kenya announced Thursday it has fired 302 police officers who refused to be vetted as part of reforms of the police force.English
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Friday, June 10, 2016
Senior U.S. and Iraqi military leaders say foreign assistance since then has helped correct, at least temporarily, some of the Iraqi army’s weaknesses, but, many of these problems remain chronic and threaten to undermine even the narrowly focused goals of the U.S. and allied training effort. English
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Friday, June 10, 2016
AMTEC, which is part of the National Defense Corporation (NDC) has been awarded a $84,546,877 firm-fixed-price military sales contract in Iraq for 40mm grenade systems. English
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Friday, June 10, 2016
President Barack Obama has approved giving the U.S. military greater ability to accompany and enable Afghan forces battling a resilient Taliban insurgency, in a move to assist them more proactively on the battlefield, a U.S. official told Reuters.English
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Wire Service: 
Friday, June 10, 2016
Two senators on the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee are pressing ahead with their fight to limit American bomb sales to Saudi Arabia in protest for Riyadh's conduct of its military intervention in Yemen's civil war.English
Saudi Arabia
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Thursday, June 9, 2016
Although the program’s funding is relatively small, it could have an outsize impact on the United States’ military-to-military relations with many nations. Yet IMET today is in need of significant reform. English
International Military Education and Training
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Thursday, June 9, 2016
Pakistan returned to the headlines last month, after a U.S. air strike eliminated Afghan Taliban commander Mullah Mansour inside Pakistani territory. Washington has touted the drone strike as an important victory for the U.S. war effort in Afghanistan. However, it will prove symbolic and short-lived unless it prompts more fundamental reform of America’s Pakistan policy. To effect real change, Washington must increase pressure not just on the Taliban residing in Pakistan, but on Pakistan itself.English
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Thursday, June 9, 2016
The United States Embassy in Dushanbe, working in conjunction with the Export Control and Related Border Security program (EXBS), has provided seven new, all-purpose, 4-wheel drive, double cab pickup trucks to the Government of Tajikistan to enhance border security operations and prevent the smuggling of weapons of mass destruction, the U.S. Embassy said on June 7.English
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Thursday, June 9, 2016
Reports of violent repression by Colombian police takes place as lawmakers consider a controversial legislation that would violate civil liberties.English
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Thursday, June 9, 2016
The U.S. military was too slow to realize the full cost of “civilian harm”—the military’s term for killing innocent civilians and causing political, social, and economic disruption—in its war in Afghanistan. By the end of 2008, the United States and its allies caused nearly 40 percent of all civilian fatalities, according to UN data. Afghans judged them harshly: they expected the Taliban to be brutal, but international militaries, with their technology and “precision” weapons, should not have been doing such damage.English
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Thursday, June 9, 2016
Nigeria is waiting on the green light from U.S. officials to complete the sale of Super Tucano jets to replace some of the aging jets currently employed by the Nigerian Air ForceEnglish
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Thursday, June 9, 2016
Nagorno-Karabagh Republic (Artsakh/NKR) parliamentarian Lernik Hovhannisyan briefed Members of Congress and their senior aides regarding Azerbaijan’s recent escalation of violence against Artsakh and Armenia, during a full day of meetings on Capitol Hill on June 7.English
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