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This section includes the latest news relating to U.S. security policy around the world. Updated daily, the news provided in this searchable database highlights the most relevant security developments from around the world. 

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Tuesday, June 14, 2016
The United States is asking its allies helping with security in Afghanistan to maintain funding for Afghan forces at a cost of nearly $5 billion a year until at least 2020, a top U.S. military commander said on Monday. The plan extends the international financial commitment for the foreseeable future at a time when Western leaders have been hoping to reduce Afghanistan's reliance on foreign military aid.English
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Tuesday, June 14, 2016
The ceremony served as a platform for government and military officials to officially signify the end to this year’s BTH humanitarian-aid mission in Guatemala. The ceremony included speeches, from U.S. and Guatemalan officials, of thanks for one another and helped to build upon the established partnership between the two nations. English
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Tuesday, June 14, 2016
The United States on Sunday reaffirmed its intention to help Uganda eliminate the Lord's Resistance Army following reports that Uganda may soon stop taking part in the hunt for LRA leader Joseph Kony. English
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Tuesday, June 14, 2016
In a statement issued on Saturday, AMISOM commended Ethiopian troops for defeating Al-Shabaab. According to the statement, AMISOM Acting Force Commander, Maj. Gen. Nakibus Lakara, commended Ethiopian troops for thwarting an Al-Shabaab attack and inflicting heavy casualties on the Al Qaeda-linked militants. English
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Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Pakistan is considering buying used F-16 fighter jets from Jordan, media reported on Tuesday, after a plan to buy eight of the aircraft from the United States fell through because of the refusal of the U.S. Congress to finance the deal.English
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Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Bahrain suspended the tiny island kingdom's largest Shiite political group and froze its assets on Tuesday as part of a widening crackdown on activists and dissent five years after the country's Arab Spring protests.English
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Wire Service: 
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
The Kenyan government has ordered the world's largest refugee complex closed by November. The UN refugee agency has called for more time to avert "transferring the problem" to war-torn Somalia. English
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Tuesday, June 14, 2016
The U.S.'s primary interests in Central Asia are making sure the region doesn't become a terrorist sanctuary and protecting it from Russian influence, a senior State Department official has testified. The statement suggests a shift in Washington (rhetorically, at least) toward a Central Asia policy oriented toward security and away from political reforms and human rights.English
Central Asia Regional
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Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Migrants detained in Libya before they attempt to make the deadly crossing over the Mediterranean to Europe face beatings, torture and squalid conditions before they risk their lives on the open sea. Amnesty International has warned the EU's plans to co-operate more closely with Libya on migration risk fuelling the rampant ill-treatment and indefinite detention.English
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Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Georgia has had to drop out of large-scale NATO military exercises because some of the soldiers slated to go were diagnosed with chicken pox. This might not be a particularly newsworthy development for most countries but for Georgia, whose NATO membership aspirations are the foundation of its foreign policy, the episode has been controversial and embarrassing.English
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Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Nigerian militants whose attacks on oil infrastructure have sent output plunging to its lowest level in 27 years said for the first time that they are considering peace talks, even as they threatened to rethink their policy of avoiding bloodshed. English
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Tuesday, June 14, 2016
As Iraqi forces backed by U.S. support engage the Islamic State across multiple battlefronts in Iraq, Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter announced Monday that American Apache helicopter gunships had been used in combat for the first time since President Obama authorized their use in April.English
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Tuesday, June 14, 2016
The United States-Caribbean Strategic Engagement Act would require the Secretary of State and the Administrator of the USAID to submit to Congress a multiyear strategy focused on enhancing engagement with the countries of the Caribbean and enhancing outreach to diaspora communities in theU.S., with particular emphasis on energy security, countering violence, expanded diplomacy, and other priority areas.English
Central America Regional
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Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Even as U.S., Iraqi and Kurdish forces make significant gains against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, rising friction between Turkey and America's key regional allies threatens to scuttle the hopes of coalition forces to drive the terrorist group from the region. English
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Monday, June 13, 2016
For years, Iran has been under economic sanctions for disregarding human rights. However, for such measures to be effective, they must apply to all countries in an equal fashion. Several countries in the Middle East have contravened international standards of human rights, and yet they have received very different treatment. A good case is Saudi Arabia. English
Saudi Arabia
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Monday, June 13, 2016
Rio's hundreds of surveillance cameras are easy to view on the 85 square meter display in the panopticon-style Center for Integrated Command and Control (CICC) or the equally huge screen in the Operations Center of Rio (COR).English
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Monday, June 13, 2016
Sudan and Russia have agreed to enhance joint cooperation in areas of natural resources, agriculture, energy, infrastructure, transport and training. English
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Monday, June 13, 2016
The weekend’s bloodshed in Kazakhstan seemed to catch the government off-guard. While Kazakhstan has experienced radical-driven violence in the past, until a few days ago authorities seemed more concerned about security threats emanating from domestic political critics than from Islamic militants.English
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Monday, June 13, 2016
Nigeria is firing dozens of senior officers accused of corruption and the theft of billions of dollars meant to buy arms to fight the Boko Haram Islamic insurgency, the army and an officer privy to the list said Saturday.English
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Wire Service: 
Monday, June 13, 2016
The U.S. military, in partnership with the Gabonese Armed Forces, the Multinational Force of Central Africa, and other partner nations will conduct Central Accord 2016, a command post and field training exercise, in Libreville, Gabon, June 13-24.English
Central Africa Regional
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