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This section includes the latest news relating to U.S. security policy around the world. Updated daily, the news provided in this searchable database highlights the most relevant security developments from around the world. 

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Monday, June 20, 2016
At a NATO summit in Warsaw that begins July 8, the United States and its allies will try to raise $15 billion to fund Afghan security forces through 2020. About $10.5 billion of that is expected to come from the United States, a continuation of commitments to pay and clothe Afghan security forces while supplying them with fuel, weapons and ammunition to fight Taliban insurgents.English
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Monday, June 20, 2016
The U.S. military now plans to keep a small force of Special Operations advisers in Yemen — deployed in April for a limited, short-term operation — for the foreseeable future, a step toward reestablishing a counterterrorism mission that was shut down last year by civil war.English
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Monday, June 20, 2016
The Moldovan opposition considers the intensification of military cooperation with the United States as a gross violation of the neutrality recorded in the basic law of the state. Participating in joint exercises with NATO, Chisinau sends a signal that Moldova is a de facto member of the alliance, says German political scientist Alexander Rahr.English
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Monday, June 20, 2016
Analysts say that Georgia can expect little progress regarding its aspirations to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) at an upcoming July 8-9 summit in Warsaw. The alliance has previously promised that Georgia would eventually join its ranks, and Tbilisi has made considerable efforts to comply with all prerequisites.English
Monday, June 20, 2016
Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, deputy premier and minister of defense held meetings at his residence on Friday with several companies specializing in military equipment, Saudi Press Agency reported.English
Saudi Arabia
Monday, June 20, 2016
In an interview with The Jerusalem Post on Monday, the US Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas discussed a new agreement that the US and Israel will sign Tuesday, which will automate their sharing of cyber data for the first time.English
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Friday, June 17, 2016
The safe and effective movement of this amount of troops and supplies during operations conducted by two nations using three different types of rotary-wing and one fixed wing aircraft and hundreds of personnel, many of whom don’t speak the same language, requires synergistic planning and coordination before missions. This coordination is crucial to minimizing or eliminating potential accidents that could occur during mission execution.English
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Friday, June 17, 2016
Kazakhstan has announced that it intends to buy new military transport aircraft in response to the militant attack in the western city of Aktobe last week. Kazakhstan Prime Minister Karim Massimov announced the planned aircraft purchase as part of a series of measures including improving security in airports and train stations and creating an interagency working group on countering extremism and terrorismEnglish
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Friday, June 17, 2016
Tinatin Khidasheli does not hide her impatience with NATO. As defense minister of Georgia, she has spent the past several months lobbying NATO members to grant her country a “membership action plan,” or MAP. Yet when NATO holds its summit in Warsaw on July 8-9, Georgia can expect little. A Georgian MAP will not be on the agenda.English
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Friday, June 17, 2016
The United States will maintain its presence in the Black Sea despite a Russian warning that a U.S. destroyer patrolling there undermined regional security, the U.S. Navy Secretary said. The USS Porter entered the Black Sea this month, drawing heavy criticism from Moscow. Turkey and Romania are expected to push for a bigger NATO presence in the Black Sea at the NATO summit in Warsaw next month.English
Eurasia Regional
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Friday, June 17, 2016
More than 50 airmen from Europe and the United States are preparing to train with their counterparts from three East African countries as part of the first African Partnership Flight in Kenya.English
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Friday, June 17, 2016
The new U.S. commander in Afghanistan has submitted his first three-month assessment of the situation in the war-torn country and what it's going to take to defeat the Taliban, a U.S. military official has told The Associated Press.English
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Wire Service: 
Friday, June 17, 2016
China is taking on a new military role in Africa, seeking to boost its image as a great power that promotes peace and security worldwide. Europe should seize the chance for cooperation, but call Beijing out if it fuels conflict or abuses. English
Friday, June 17, 2016
The U.N. has taken steps to welcome the adoption of regional plans to make gender a key piece of the peacekeeping framework.English
Africa Regional
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Friday, June 17, 2016
President Mahamadou Issoufou has called on France to renew its commitment in fighting terrorist organization Boko Harm, according to Times Live. The Nigerien leader requested increased intelligence and other forms of military assistance. France intends to send more troops to the region to help African states counter terrorism.English
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Friday, June 17, 2016
Russia’s Military Industrial Company (VPK) chief executive officer Alexander Krasovitsky has said the company may soon deliver an unspecified number of Tiger Armoured Personnel Carriers (APCs) to the Egyptian Army amid soaring North African demand for Russian-made military equipment.English
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Friday, June 17, 2016
Sikorsky announced it is teaming with Istanbul and Turkish Aerospace Industries to produce the T70 utility helicopter based on the S-70i Black Hawk. The agreement licenses Turkish Utility Helicopter Program contractor Turkish Aerospace Industries to build and deliver 109 T70s in the next decade, Sikorsky's parent company, Lockheed Martin, said in a statement.English
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Friday, June 17, 2016
Qatar signed a contract Thursday worth €3.8 billion, or $4.28 billion, to buy seven naval vessels from Italy’s Fincantieri shipyard as part of Italy’s largest ever naval export deal.English
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Friday, June 17, 2016
The House on Thursday narrowly defeated a measure that would have banned the transfer of cluster bombs to Saudi Arabia, but the closeness of the vote was an indication of growing congressional opposition to the conduct of the U.S.-backed, Saudi-led bombing coalition in Yemen.English
Saudi Arabia
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Friday, June 17, 2016
France has deployed military advisors in northern Syria to help the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) fighting the Islamic State group, a defence ministry official said Thursday.
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Wire Service: 
