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China's primary forum for security cooperation in Central Asia, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, held its annual summit last week in Kyrgyzstan's capital of Bishkek. The heads of state of nine countries attended, but behind all the grand pronouncements and lofty rhetoric a question stubbornly persisted: what is the organization for?

The SCO's origins were in the...

On Thursday September 12, USAID Assistant Administrator for Asia, Nisha Desai Biswal, testified at her nomination hearing to replace Robert Blake as the Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs. Much of Biswal’s testimony focused on the United States’ priority of integrating Afghanistan with the broader South Central Asia region, especially in light of the impending U.S. withdrawal from the region, a point echoed in...

The Just the Facts project is pleased to present “Time to Listen,” our new report on U.S. defense and security trends in Latin America and the Caribbean. The report can be found in both English and Spanish here.

The report finds that U.S. assistance has dropped near the lowest levels in more than a decade—about US$2.2 billion foreseen for 2014. But dollar amounts are deceptive. While U.S....

This post was written by CIP Intern Benjamin Fagan

On Friday, in its statement on Major Drug Transit and Drug Producing Countries for FY 2014, the White House declared Venezuela and Bolivia had "failed...

This post was drafted by WOLA Intern Michael Pelzer.

  • The national security minister of Jamaica, Peter Bunting, expressed worries to his nation’s lawmakers regarding a recent spike in violent crime. Between June 30th and August 31st there were a total of 251 homicides, an average of about four murders per day. This is a significant jump from the 197 homicides recorded in the same two month period in

  • ...

Adam looks at Chile on the 40th anniversary of its military coup, the maritime border dispute between Colombia and Nicaragua, and Venezuela's troubles with its electric power grid.

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Recent Blog

Jul 31, 2020
In a move that has been widely criticized by government officials, NGOs, and human rights activists...
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China’s National People’s Congress has recently agreed to join the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) despite...
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With news that the Trump administration intends to pursue another in a string of controversial...
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Amidst news of a possible U.S.-Taliban peace agreement, the White House has released its FY2021...