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This post was compiled by WOLA Intern Michael Pelzer.

  • Forty years after the 1973 coup in Chile, the nation has yet to come to grips with

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This post was written by WOLA Intern Michael Pelzer.

Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff formally cancelled her planned October 23 visit to Washington D.C. in response to United States spying activities in Brazil, despite attempts by high ranking U.S. officials, including President Obama himself, to convince her otherwise. Rousseff’s staunch position comes in response to revelations surrounding National Security Agency (NSA) documents leaked by former contractor Edward Snowden....

Adam looks at Latin American leaders' statements at the UN General Assembly, and the current state of Colombia's peace process with the FARC guerrilla group.

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This post was co-written by Sarah Kinosian and CIP intern Benjamin Fagan

U.S. Policy

On Thursday the U.S. Congress passed the Organization of American States Revitalization and Reform Act of 2013, a bill that requires the Obama administration...

  • The Somali terrorist organization al-Shabab attacked a high-end shopping mall in Nairobi, the Westgate, and killed 67 people, including six soldiers. Five of the attackers are 
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A round-up of some of the top articles and news highlights from around Central Eurasia over the last week:

Central Asia:

  • At a summit of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), member states vowed to give aid to Tajikistan's border service to help it strengthen its frontier with Afghanistan. The aid would include “constructing new buildings of frontier posts, restoring warning and signaling systems and providing border troops with means of air patrol and surveillance as well as radar,”
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Recent Blog

Jul 31, 2020
In a move that has been widely criticized by government officials, NGOs, and human rights activists...
Jul 2, 2020
China’s National People’s Congress has recently agreed to join the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) despite...
Jun 15, 2020
With news that the Trump administration intends to pursue another in a string of controversial...
Feb 21, 2020
Amidst news of a possible U.S.-Taliban peace agreement, the White House has released its FY2021...