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This post was compiled by CIP intern Benjamin Fagan

This week, world leaders converged in New York City for the 68th UN General Assembly. Numerous Latin American leaders were invited to address the UN body. Below are some highlighted quotes from their remarks.

Dilma Rousseff, President of Brazil

President Rousseff garnered considerable press attention for her scathing criticism of the...

  • On September 23, two suicide bombers killed at least 96 individuals who were attending funerals in Baghdad’s Shiite neighborhood of Sadr City. The attack represents one of the largest terrorist attacks against Iraqi civilians. In recent months, Iraq has suffered thousands of deaths due to increased sectarian attacks, and violence has approached levels not seen since 2008.
  • United States aid to Yemen was recently 
  • ...

One of the “worst attacks in Kenya’s history” came to an end on Tuesday -- four days after members of the al-Shabab terrorist group stormed Westgate, a high-end shopping mall in Nairobi, Kenya on Saturday afternoon. According to a senior Kenyan...

Libya requires U.S. security assistance to address fundamental threats to its stability, including security sector reform and border control.

The following is a round up of statements by Middle Eastern leaders and President Barack Obama from day one (September 24) of the 68th United Nations General Assembly.


United States:

President Obama’s General Assembly speech focused almost exclusively on the Middle East. The President defended U.S. policy in Syria, before explaining his administration’s broader approach to the region....

On September 12, the Center for International Policy (CIP) presented the first in a series of events looking at the status of the United States’ security relationships around the world. Hosted by the Central Asia Program at the George Washington University’s Elliott School of International Affairs, a packed audience listened to Joshua Kucera, Erica Marat, and Abigail Poe outline some key areas in U.S.-Central Asia policy and introduce CIP’s new project, the Security Assistance...


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