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This week, President Barack Obama gave a speech announcing plans to train and equip Iraqi armed forces to help combat the terrorist group known as ISIS. Meanwhile, the Nigerian military carried out operations against Boko Haram. The United States also approved the sale of $145 million worth of military equipment to Brazil and Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel met with Georgian officials to discuss enhanced cooperation on security issues.

U.S. Military Exercises in Latin America: July and August 

While relations between the United States and Russia have collapsed in almost every sphere, one element of military cooperation has quietly continued, uninterrupted: the transit of U.S. military cargo to and from Afghanistan across Russia and Central Asia.


In 2009, as one of the fruits of the “reset” in relations between Washington and Moscow, Russia agreed to let the United States ship military equipment and personnel via Russia, both over its airspace and using its rail network, to...

This week the United States provided Lebanon with key bomb detection equipment, Brazil and Russia negotiated anti-aircrafct technology sales, U.S. drone strikes took out the leader of al-Shabaab in Somalia, and NATO took steps for deeper engagement with Georgia.

Similarities between the conflict in Ukraine and Russia’s invasion of Georgia in 2008 mean that Georgia – and its long-held NATO membership aspirations – will be a topic of discussion at the 2014 NATO Summit in Wales. 

After years of some U.S. security experts pushing for the United States to provide more governance-related U.S. security assistance to African security forces, the White House recently boosted such governance assistance efforts.


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