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This week the United States provided the Nicaraguan Navy with $6 million in military equipment, President Hernandez visited U.S. Southern Command headquarters, and U.S. airmen started a training exchange with the Guatemalan air force. Read these highlights and more below. 

  •  Vice President Joe Biden shut down discussions surrounding the possible implementation of an anti-drug trafficking initiative similar to Plan
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This week, President Obama welcomed African Heads of State for the U.S.- Africa Summit and announced a plan to send $550 million towards peacekeeping efforts in the continent. Read more about this story and other news highlights from the region below.


  • During the third day
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Conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia escalated sharply this week, while Azerbaijan continued its crackdown on civil society groups. Read these and other top stories in Central Eurasia below.

MENA Week in Review--August 8, 2014

This week the Islamic State made significant territorial gains in northern Iraq, leading...

This post was compiled by WOLA Intern Lesley Wellener.

  • On July 20, the New Republic published an article that examines United States gun laws and their relationship with the increase in violence-fleeing Central Americans arriving at the U.S.-Mexico border. The analysis examines the effect gun trafficking has had on the Central American countries of Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador. Alec
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This post was compiled by WOLA Intern Lesley Wellener.

  • Colombia’s Supreme Court opened a formal investigation into General Javier Rey for statements he made on “Los informantes,” a show on the country’s Caracol television network. The retired general, citing “classified documents,” alleged that officials in the Colombian government have been meeting with the FARC guerrillas’ maximum leader on Venezuelan territory.
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