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July: News of a military deal between Colombia and the United States is made public. The deal will allow the U.S. access to seven Colombian military bases. At this point details of the agreement are not yet available to the public. The deal creates tension throughout Latin America, especially between Venezuela and Colombia. Like many other leaders in the region, Chávez was angered by not being consulted before the announcement of the deal. Moreover, the deal represents a threat to Venezuelan sovereignty and he fears...

On Friday, November 27, defense and foreign ministers from the Union of South American Nations' Unasur member nations gathered in Quito, Ecuador to address growing regional tensions. Topics on the table included continuing concerns about the Colombia-U.S. military accord, which grants the United States access to seven Colombian military bases, growing tensions between Chile and Peru after Peru...

The Center for International Policy's Latin America Security Program is very pleased to share its new report on the Colombian government's U.S.-supported "Integrated Action" or "CCAI" programs: a combination of state-building, counter-insurgency and counter-narcotics that is being viewed as the successor to Plan Colombia.

"After Plan Colombia" is the product of months of research, including visits to two areas...

The elections in Honduras are over and the National Party's Porfirio "Pepe" Lobo was victorious, securing over 55% of the vote. However, several questions remain after the culmination of the country's widely disputed elections. Not only is the Western Hemisphere...

Results (66.31% of urns counted):

  1. Porfirio Lobo (National Party) 937,006 (55.9% of valid ballots)
  2. Elvin Santos (Liberal Party) 639,481 (38.2%)
  3. Bernardo Martínez (National Innovation Party) 37,029 (2.2%)
  4. Felícito Ávila (Christian Democracy Social Party) 32,113 (1.9%)
  5. César Ham (Democratic
  6. ...

This post was written by CIP Intern Hannah Brodlie This morning at 10:00 am the House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs held a hearing to examine whether to lift the travel ban to Cuba. The committee heard from those both in favor and against repealing the travel ban, and began with opening remarks by Chairman Howard L. Berman, who co-authored an article in Tuesday's Miami Herald with Senator Richard Lugar, entitled "...


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