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In this second podcast, Adam discusses recent developments in Chile, Bolivia, Argentina, El Salvador, Peru and Venezuela that indicate the current state of civilian control over the armed forces.

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This is cross-posted from the Latin America Working Group's blog, the LAWG Blog. It was written by Lisa Haugaard. We charitably termed the Obama Administration’s first year of Latin America policy a “false start.”  After the year was kicked off with a promising beginning with a rousing speech at the Summit of the Americas, a promise to...

The drop in aid to Latin America foreseen in the Obama administration's 2011 aid request to Congress, issued a week ago, has caused a minor stir in the region's media. Typical is this opening sentence in Miami Herald columnist Andrés Oppenheimer's Sunday column.


If President Barack Obama's foreign aid budget request for


We're pleased to present the first edition of the Just the Facts Podcast. We expect to make these audio submissions a regular feature.

While the podcast will have its own home page at, we will post to this blog every time we add an entry. It will soon be on iTunes' podcast directory, and its RSS feed can be found at

In our inaugural February 5 post, Adam Isacson of...


  • The Obama administration released its 2011 budget request to Congress this week, which includes its request for next year's foreign assistance. The new aid numbers for 2011 have been added to the "Just the Facts" database, and so far it looks like there will be a sharp decrease in military and police assistance to the region, especially for Mexico and
  • ...

The Obama administration's Fiscal Year 2011 foreign aid request, submitted to Congress earlier this week, includes a new counternarcotics and security initiative: the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative (CBSI). Here is what we know about the CBSI so far:

  • It is a "multiyear, multifaceted effort by the U.S. Government and Caribbean partners to develop a joint regional citizen safety strategy to tackle the full range of security and criminal threats to the Caribbean Basin," according to the Obama
  • ...


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