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This post was written by WOLA Intern Ursela Groat

On Tuesday, six former Latin American presidents, including Alejandro Toledo of Peru and Vicente Fox of Mexico, met in Washington D.C. to present their initial report entitled “The Social Agenda for Democracy in Latin America for the Next Twenty Years.” The report, which is endorsed by twenty former presidents from the region, is part of an initiative by the Global Center for Development and Democracy that will be presented to sitting Latin American...

In July, Colombia's defense, interior and foreign relations ministers gave a press conference confirming that the United States was negotiating an agreement to establish U.S. military presence at seven military bases in Colombia. Immediately following the announcement, backlash erupted throughout the region and South American...

On Monday, October 19th, the constitutional chamber of the Nicaraguan Supreme Court ruled to lift a ban on re-election by deeming it "unenforceable." The ruling opens the door for President Daniel Ortega to run for re-election in 2011 and was immediately condemned by Sandinista-government's opposition as an illegal political maneuvering intended to avoid having to get the vote for ending term limits approved by the national assembly and passed in a national referendum, both of...

Honduran President Manuel Zelaya and the acting president who deposed him in a June coup, Roberto Micheletti, arrived at an agreement last night to restore Zelaya to the presidency. Zelaya would complete his term under a power-sharing agreement, the product of a U.S. and OAS diplomatic offensive. The agreement still needs to be approved by the Honduran Congress, most of whose members supported the coup in the first place.

  • Acting President Micheletti announces the accord and lays out its main points (text / video
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Just the Facts has added a new feature. You can now sign up for one or more of our five new lists and we'll send important, Latin-America relevant information directly to your email inbox. When you sign up, you can subscribe to any of the following lists:

  • Top News Links: Every day, we will email you links to the day's top news stories
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(This post was researched and written by CIP Intern Hannah Brodlie.)

Over the next twelve months presidential elections will take place in Uruguay, Chile, Colombia, Bolivia, Honduras, Costa Rica and Brazil.

  • In Uruguay the first round of legislative and presidential elections were held last Sunday. While the governing
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