
Wednesday, December 4, 2013 - 08:22
EU nations have been training the Malian army so it can meet such security challenges more effectively.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013 - 07:41
The father of a convicted Jordanian-American militant says the kingdom's police have arrested his son, who was jailed in 2004 for plotting a terror attack but then pardoned.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013 - 07:35
One growing source of concern is the number of Muslims from Western countries who have gone to fight in Syria and might eventually return home and pose a terrorist threat.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013 - 07:13
Magharebia sat down with centre chief, political scientist and former diplomat Nasr Ben Soltana to discuss the vision behind the centre's strategy.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013 - 10:54
U.S.-backed African Union troops have killed a senior commander in the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA), a Ugandan army spokesman said on Tuesday, part of efforts to track down the guerrilla group and send its leader to the Hague.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013 - 09:13
Thirteen individuals, who confessed that the Nusra Front sent six booby-trapped cars to Lebanon, were indicted Tuesday in the foiled bomb attack against the Beirut southern suburb of Maamoura in October.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013 - 08:50
The security and military officials said they believe Morsi is at least "indirectly" linked to the militant violence, saying they are investigating whether he and his Brotherhood had contacts with the groups while in power.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013 - 07:48
U.S. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel and Egyptian Minister of Defense Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi had a phone call to discuss terrorism in the Sinai and U.S. concerns about the new Egyptian protest law.
Monday, December 2, 2013 - 10:34
Puntland government in northern Somalia says that at least eight persons were killed during an armed clash on Thursday in Taleh district of Sool region, Garowe Online reports.
Monday, December 2, 2013 - 10:30
The Joint Task Force (JTF) in the Niger Delta said on Sunday in Yenagoa it had shut down 134 illegal crude refineries and seized two barges used by oil thieves.
