Resources - Policy Statements

NGOs and Academia

Below are key statements from non-novernmental or academic analyses related to the U.S. defense and security assistance to the rest of the world. 

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Friday, June 13, 2014
Acute, structured government corruption impacts many of the West’s security priorities. But the role it plays in exacerbating international insecurity is often overlooked.
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Jordan remains one of the United States’ closest, most reliable, and most trusted partners in the Middle East, and the country requires help to address the spillover effects of the conflicts in Syria and Iraq. The support needed most urgently is continued security cooperation, including intelligence sharing, surveillance, and military equipment to help Jordan manage serious security threats. In addition, continued and increased humanitarian aid for refugees is essentialEnglish
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Thursday, June 12, 2014
Renewed conflict in Lebanon threatens U.S. interests in three principal ways. First, it would exacerbate regional instability, further undermining the U.S. interests in promoting peaceful, democratic reform and economic development in the region. Second, renewed conflict in Lebanon could threaten the security of Israel, a critical U.S. ally, especially if jihadists gain a significant foothold in Lebanon. Third, renewed conflict in Lebanon would allow for ungoverned territory to be exploited by al-Qaeda and affiliated groups, with potential threats to the U.S. homeland.English
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Thursday, June 12, 2014
Nations in Transit 2014 finds that setbacks to democratic governance as the dominant trend across Eurasia and the Balkans, as well as in post communist Central Europe, where the persistence of clientelism and corruption was in evidence throughout the past year.English
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Thursday, June 12, 2014
Influential American lobbyists want the USA to hit the government of Sudan financially by "going after the stolen wealth of the regime's elite". They also propose a new US envoy for Sudan, since the current Special Envoy is working for both Sudan and South Sudan conflicts.English
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Thursday, June 12, 2014
The possibility that ISIS will repeat the atrocities it has committed in other parts of Iraq, and impose the same intolerant and abusive rule as it has in Syria, is deeply troubling.But the Iraqi government needs to deal with the situation without the brutal tactics for which civilians elsewhere in the country have long been paying a heavy price.English
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Wednesday, June 11, 2014
From examining the trajectory of U.S. assistance to the Middle East and North Africa over the past several years, there is little evidence to suggest that support for democracy, governance, and human rights is now any higher of a priority for the U.S. government than it had been before the uprisings of 2011.English
Middle East and North Africa Regional
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
The power balance in Yemen’s north is shifting. In early 2014, Zaydi Shiite fighters, known as the Huthis or Ansar Allah (Partisans of God), won a series of battles, in effect consolidating their control over Saada governorate, on the border of Saudi Arabia, and expanding southward to the gates of the capital, Sanaa. English
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Tuesday, June 10, 2014
With Moscow’s challenges to the independence and sovereignty of its neighbors unlikely to abate, the U.S. needs to think much more comprehensively and strategically about how we can craft economic, security, and political policies towards the states of the South Caucasus and Central Asia, as well as Belarus, Moldova, and Ukraine. English
Friday, June 6, 2014
The United States should not give unqualified support to Sisi and his government, as working closely with repressive Egyptian governments in the past yielded poor results and engendered widespread anti-Americanism. Rather, Washington should refocus its diplomacy on supporting the Egyptian people, while limiting relations with Sisi and his government to essential security interests.
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Lasconjarias assesses the effectiveness of NATO allied land forces as, at best, mixed.English
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Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Rapid progress has been made in the year since the global Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) opened for signature at the United Nations in New York, and a surge of further ratifications will soon activate the treaty this year, helping to save millions of lives and protect human rights, Amnesty International said as it marks the anniversary of the treaty signing on 3 June. English
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Wednesday, June 4, 2014
An open letter to President Obama from the Working Group on Egypt calling for him to continue suspending military aid to Egypt in light of recent political repression and human rights abuses.English
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Wednesday, June 4, 2014
We urge you to limit security cooperation to only the most critical issues, restructure U.S. assistance away from the Egyptian military and toward the people, and adopt public and private U.S. positions in favor of real democracy and prosperity for all Egyptians. English
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Tuesday, June 3, 2014
This briefing provides a strategic assessment of the the conflict Syria, focusing on the the Western-backed opposition, the influence of jihadi militants, and the evolving capabilities of pro-government forces. It concludes the international community should focus on two policy objectives: (1) bolstering a cohesive political opposition and (2) aid Syria's neighbors in prevention the spread of conflict beyond Syria's borders.
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Tuesday, June 3, 2014
This report found that Bahrain’s courts play a key role in maintaining the country’s highly repressive political order, routinely sentencing peaceful protesters to long prison terms. But members of security forces are rarely prosecuted for unlawful killings, including in detention, and the few convictions have carried extremely light sentences.English
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Friday, May 16, 2014
Varios de estos batallones están radicados en el interior mismo de las instalaciones de las empresas o minas Spanish
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Monday, May 12, 2014
As food shortages start to affect refugee camps in South Sudan, it is the youngest who are suffering most, like Ransom Wapi.English
South Sudan
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Thursday, May 8, 2014
In fact, Mexico is not particularly like any other historical case characterized by "warlordism," resource insurgency, ungoverned spaces, and organized crime.English
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Thursday, May 8, 2014
The numbers likely explain the government’s apparent willingness to dialogue with the opposition over the past month. The closed door dialogues have yet to bear important agreements. But insiders report they are going well.English
