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In what we hope will be a regular weekly feature - as regular as we can make it - Adam looks at the likely new House leadership here in Washington, and the ongoing thaw in relations between Colombia and Venezuela.

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  • Last Tuesday's elections resulted in significant changes to the make-up of the U.S. Congress. Republicans gained a majority in the House of Representatives and the Democrats narrowly maintained a slim majority in the Senate. What does this mean for U.S. policy to Latin America? Many Latin Americanists worked on answering that question throughout the week. Some good reads:
    • Adam Isacson explains what a Republican majority in the House means for Latin America, and provides
  • ...

In the 1890s the Arbuckle Coffee Company promoted its product by including a 3x5 card depicting a U.S. state or foreign country.

Here are some of its cards of Latin America. They are often beautiful images of jungles, wilderness, and people performing mostly agricultural or mining tasks. (Peru, for instance, is all about quinine and guano.) Buenos Aires is the only city in evidence. Populations are one-tenth or less of what they are today. The boundaries on the maps have changed quite a bit.

These glimpses of how the United States...

With President Juan Manuel Santos’ presidency coming close to its first 100 days, violence continues in Colombia. On October 21st, the Interdisciplinary Group for Human Rights presented the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights with a 21-page document titled “Words and Deeds,” which highlighted the violence against human rights activists that has surrounded Santos’ first 75 days in office. The document details the murders of 22 civilians - five activists,...

Colombia’s army is under a new human rights cloud as soldiers stand accused of brutally murdering three children...

Dilma Rouseff won a resounding victory in Brazil's October 31 presidential elections. What will be the impact on Brazil's foreign relations, relations with the United States, and regional security? Adam talks to Sam Logan of Southern Pulse.

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