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Adam gives a quick overview of the lame-duck Congress, the Costa Rica - Nicaragua border dispute, an upcoming defense ministers' meeting in Bolivia, and public events in Washington this week.

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WOLA's new report will be released later this week and available here.

U.S. law prohibits using soldiers as police, but U.S. aid programs encourage Latin American militaries to take on internal roles. At home, notes Preach What You Practice, a report the Washington Office on Latin America will launch...

  • Last Friday, November 5th, Mexican military forces and members of the Gulf Cartel in Matamoros violently clashed in a two hour long shootout operation involving nearly 650 marines, 3 helicopters, and 17 military vehicles. At least 20 were left dead, including one reporter. Most prominent among the dead was the leader of the Gulf Cartel Antonio ‘Tony Tormenta’Cardenas-Guillen. At face value, the killing of this top
  • ...
A Zetas banner in Monterey, Mexico (image source

With the Thanksgiving holiday approaching, here's a quick rundown of some recent reports on security and human rights in Mexico and Colombia that are a "must-read." Colombia:


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