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Week's Top Articles on Mexico: Feb. 24- Mar. 1st, 2012

Drug War, Human Rights and Rule of Law News was centered on the growing drug decriminalization debate taking shape in Central America. US Secretary of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, visited Latin America this week in a five country tour, during which she strongly reiterated the United States' position against decriminalization and continued support for the drug war model.

On February 13, the Obama administration released its 2013 budget request to Congress, which includes its request for State Department and Foreign Operations assistance in FY2013.

Below are a few things we observed in the new foreign assistance budget for Latin America and the Caribbean. You can also download a printer-friendly PDF of this post here.

*** It is important to note, that these observations and...

Last November, Colombia’s government proposed to reduce the civilian justice system’s ability to try and punish human rights abuses committed by the country’s U.S.-aided military. On this blog and elsewhere (PDF), the organizations participating in the “Just the Facts” project expressed concern about...

Drug War, Human Rights and Rule of Law issues all came together this week with the prison riot and escape in Nuevo Leon, Mexico. 44 people were killed and another 30 inmates escaped in what authorities are now calling a joint operation between...

Drug War news this week brought the issue of drug legalization to the fore in two arenas. First, the new president of Guatemala, Otto Perez Molina, announced that he would propose discussion of legalization at the next meeting of the heads of Central American governments. The president of El Salvador, Mauricio Funes,...

This post is an excerpt from a report recently released by the Latin America Working Group Education Fund. Written by LAWGEF's executive director, Lisa Haugaard, the brief report provides an update on the human rights situation in Colombia. The update focuses on three topics--military jurisdiction, the Victims' Law, and the human rights defenders' verification mission--and provides recommendations to U.S. policymakers for each human rights concern. Download the full update on human rights in Colombia as a...


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