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Last Wednesday (July 25) the UN Office on Drugs and Crime issued a report with its latest findings about coca, the plant used to make cocaine, in Colombia.

The 112-page report explains that, from 2010 to 2011:

  • the area cultivated with coca in Colombia increased, from 62,000 to 64,000 hectares (1 hectare = 2 1/2 acres).
  • because traffickers were able to extract a bit less cocaine per hectare of coca, the country’s
  • ...

UN Office on Drugs and Crime, last Wednesday:

“[P]otential cocaine production in 2011 remained stable at 345 tons, down 1 per cent from 350 tons in 2010.”


White House Office of National Drug Policy, today:



Adam looks at a troubling human rights decision in Peru, the pacification program in Rio de Janeiro, coca cultivation numbers in Colombia, and the death of Cuban dissident Oswaldo Payá.

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The UN Office on Drugs and Crime today released its estimate of how much coca, the plant used to make cocaine, was cultivated in Colombia last year. The report is making headlines in Colombia because, for the first time since 2007, the estimate for 2011 shows an increase in coca-growing — to 64,000 hectares from 62,000 in 2010.

The data would...

Adam covers indigenous groups' confrontations with authorities and guerrillas in southwest Colombia, El Salvador's constitutional crisis, and the nomination of the next Southcom commander.

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Adam talks about the new security strategy of Mexico's President-elect; recent violence in southwestern Colombia; DEA involvement in hostilities in Honduras; and U.S. campaign rhetoric on Venezuela.

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