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  • Panapress reports indicated that Nigeria signed a cease-fire with Islamist group Boko Haram, although Boko Haram leaders deny such an agreement ever existed. The military says it has uncovered mass graves and weapons caches during raids in Maiduguri, the largest city in Borno State, according to the 
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Adam looks at the capture of the Zetas' maximum leader in Mexico, regional fallout of the Snowden / NSA spying revelations, and the controversial campesino protests in Catatumbo, Colombia.

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This post was written by CIP intern Ashley Badesch

The following is a round-up of some of the top articles and news highlights from around the region over the past week.


  • Miguel Angel Trevino Morales, leader of the notoriously violent Zetas drug gang in Mexico, was captured by Mexican armed forces early Monday near the border town of Nuevo
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Compiled by WOLA Intern Laura Fontaine.

  • The prosecutor for the defense of human rights in Nicaragua came out with numbers that said that the Nicaraguan National Police has faced 1,334 complaints of human rights violations, the highest of the six public institutions with recorded complaints. The judiciary system had 210 complaints, the penitentiary system had 80, the Ministry of Family, Youth and Children had 75, the Public Ministry had 64, and the

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This post was written by CIP intern Victor Salcedo

In recent years, the United States Congress has been paying close attention to the presence of Iran in Latin America. While both the State Department and...

This post was written by the Washington Office on Latin America and is cross-posted with their blog.

The period since our last Colombia Peace Process Update (May 20) saw a big step forward in the Havana, Cuba peace talks between the Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) guerrillas. This was...


Recent Blog

Jul 31, 2020
In a move that has been widely criticized by government officials, NGOs, and human rights activists...
Jul 2, 2020
China’s National People’s Congress has recently agreed to join the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) despite...
Jun 15, 2020
With news that the Trump administration intends to pursue another in a string of controversial...
Feb 21, 2020
Amidst news of a possible U.S.-Taliban peace agreement, the White House has released its FY2021...