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Below is a roundup of some of the top articles and news highlights from around the MENA region over the last week

U.S. Policy:

  • Both the Senate and House Appropriation Committees marked up their versions of the Foreign Operations Appropriations bills this week. The Project on Middle East Democracy (POMED) drafted notes from both mark-up hearings (Senate
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  • Foreign Policy reports that the Obama administration is expanding its footprint in Somalia, beefing up support for the Somalia and Puntland intelligence services and flying more surveillance drones over Somali territory. A resurgent al-Shabaab, rampant corruption in the Somali government and wayward conduct by U.S-backed peacekeepers have threatened U.S. interests, according to Foreign Policy.
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The following is a round-up of some of the top articles and news highlights from around the region over the past week.

Uruguay is likely legalizing marijuana

  • As of this week, Uruguay is set to become the first country in the world to legalize the production, sale and consumption of marijuana. In a landmark 50-46 vote on Wednesday, the country’s lower house approved legislation to legalize
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The Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs (SFOPs) appropriations bill provides annual appropriations for the 95% of U.S. security, humanitarian, bilateral economic assistance efforts generally considered part of the 150 International Affairs Budget Function. Last week, both the House and Senate Appropriations Committees approved their respective fiscal year 14 SFOPs bills.


The two bills are nearly...

Three weeks ago Emily Hawthorne wrote a post on the Security Assistance Monitor blog discussing the future of U.S. assistance to Egypt after the July 3rd removal of President Mohammed Morsi. Since then, a number of developments indicate that U.S. assistance to Egypt will continue, despite ...

This post was written with CIP intern Victor Salcedo

United States policy

  • On July 26, the United States donated $5.7 million worth of speed boats, equipment and facility
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