Agence France Presse

Monday, May 7, 2012 - 00:00
President Hugo Chavez's repeated trips to Cuba for cancer treatment and the government's silence about his health are fueling rumors that he will name a successor to run in October presidential elections.
Friday, May 4, 2012 - 00:00
Leaders of top state and private Brazilian companies with interests in Africa, including oil giant Petrobras, mining conglomerate Vale and construction firm Odebrecht pledged to boost investment in Africa.
Friday, May 4, 2012 - 00:00
"The two soldiers protecting Romeo were killed. After six hours of shooting, from 10 meters apart, he got up and surrendered."
Friday, May 4, 2012 - 00:00
Haitian lawmakers ratified the appointment of Laurent Lamothe as the new prime minister of the earthquake-ravaged country after months of government limbo.
Thursday, May 3, 2012 - 00:00
The president, staffed the council, a consultative body led by Vice President Elias Jaua that had existed only on paper since the 1999 Constitution, raising eyebrows as Venezuelans fret about their leader's health.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012 - 00:00
Mexico "lamenta profundamente y expresa su mas energico rechazo a la decision anunciada hoy por el Departamento de Justicia de Estados Unidos".
Monday, April 30, 2012 - 00:00
Decenas de reporteros marcharon este domingo alrededor del Palacio de Gobierno del estado mexicano de Veracruz para exigir justicia por el asesinato de una periodista perpetrado el sabado.
Monday, April 30, 2012 - 00:00
Langlois, de 35 anos y corresponsal de la televisora France 24, se encontraria en poder de las FARC segun el canciller frances Alain Juppe. El periodista fue herido en el brazo izquierdo en medio de los combates.
Friday, April 27, 2012 - 00:00
Amorim said Brazil did not feel threatened by any neighboring country but added: "We cannot rule out that some power from outside the region" may covet the natural resources of the Amazon.
Friday, April 27, 2012 - 00:00
Brazilian officials are wary of Washington's possible use of technology restrictions.
