
Tuesday, October 22, 2013 - 08:34
Tension is running high in Mombasa, Kenya's second largest city, where five Muslim clerics have been killed in the past year, and a Christian cleric was shot to death on October 19. Locals accuse the police of operating with impunity and making the situation worse.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013 - 07:50
During the summer I was in Beni, North Kivu researching armed groups and local instability and training Congolese journalists. I was the only foreign reporter in the region and I interviewed the Imam of the local mosque on several occasions. He told me that I was the only person from outside the community who had ever bothered to come and speak to him. Any communication that he had with the authorities was initiated by him. No-one, neither MONUSCO (the UN mission in the Congo), Congolese military nor police, foreign NGOs or journalists, not even local peace-builders, had made any attempt to contact him despite the long term presence of an allegedly Islamic rebel group – ADF-NALU – in the area. This rebel group has forged alliances with other militias and has been responsible for endless killing, abductions and illegal trade and yet the local (peaceful) Muslim community were invisible to everyone. As I reported at the time, they were very afraid of being targeted in a backlash provoked by the increasingly shrill cries of al-Shabaab being responsible for the recent resurgence of ADF attacks.
Monday, October 21, 2013 - 08:21
A suicide bomber driving a minibus blew himself up outside a cafe in a mainly Shi'ite Muslim district of the Iraqi capital on Sunday, killing at least 38 people, police and medics said.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013 - 09:00
Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman said that government troops had been supported by Hezbollah fighters as well as volunteers from the Abul Fadl al-Abbas brigade, who include Iraqis.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013 - 08:37
Nigerian Muslims and Christians in the city of Kaduna traditionally celebrate Eid al-Adha, the Muslim sacrifice holiday, together. But after four years of insurgency and sectarian violence, some locals say holidays are not safe and have chosen to remain in their religiously segregated neighborhoods.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013 - 09:49
He also slammed rival politicians, saying their allegiance to various foreign camps was responsible for disunity in the country.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013 - 09:28
From September 21st to the 23rd, more than sixty people in Nairobi, Kenya lost their lives in an attack on the Westgate shopping mall by a religious terrorist group known as Al-Shabaab. This was not the group’s first crime, as they have been attacking churches and buses in the country for some time in retaliation for Kenyan intervention in Somalia.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013 - 08:01
In contrast, the highest-ranking Shiite authority in Iraq, Ali al-Sistani, issued a fatwa condemning the abuse of Sunni sanctities, saying: “This is to be condemned and denounced, and is contrary to the instructions of Shiite Imams.”
Tuesday, October 15, 2013 - 07:39
Officials in most of Iraq’s southern provinces increased security measures at the checkpoints on their borders and blocked vehicles from entering.
Thursday, October 10, 2013 - 08:39
Scores of Syrian rebels and forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad were killed in fierce fighting Wednesday south of Damascus, where the army pressed a major offensive, an NGO said.
