
Monday, February 10, 2014 - 09:37
“The army isn’t well-versed in street fights, so we go, we help them clean it up,” Abu Sajad said, adding that his fighters often wear military uniforms on operations outside the capital, including in Anbar.
Monday, February 10, 2014 - 09:24
At least nine killed as mobs target Bangui's Muslims and properties owned by them despite presence of foreign troops.
Monday, February 10, 2014 - 09:19
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitoring group said the Islamists killed 25 people in the village of Maan, mainly from a pro-Assad National Defence Force militia.
Monday, February 10, 2014 - 09:18
Hezbollah Sunday vowed to carry on fighting in Syria alongside the Damascus regime while stressing that the party would work to limit the war’s repercussion on its supporters in Lebanon.
Monday, February 10, 2014 - 09:14
Nine people were found dead in two brutal incidents in Iraq Sunday -- one where militants forced Shiite policemen to pray before killing them, and another where decapitated heads were left in a market.
Monday, February 10, 2014 - 08:49
Thousands of Algerian police arrived in late January to calm the situation, but some in the Berber community accuse them of siding with the Arabs and inflaming the situation.
Monday, February 10, 2014 - 08:37
Muslim communities in many towns in the Central African Republic are threatened from reprisal attacks on civilians, a medical charity has warned.
Monday, February 10, 2014 - 08:29
Thousands of Muslims climbed aboard trucks protected by heavily armed Chadian soldiers in a mass exodus Friday from the capital of Central African Republic.
Friday, February 7, 2014 - 11:08
“As head of state, while he may not be up to it, Maliki must take steps to lead Iraq to a post-sectarian era,” Royce said.
Thursday, February 6, 2014 - 08:45
In northern Nigeria, radical Islamic terrorist group Boko Haram is facing a vigilante backlash from armed young men with nothing to lose. Amid the renewed optimism of this teenage uprising are fears it could push a troubled nation closer to civil war. GQ reports exclusively from a region ripped apart by violence
