Institute for Security Studies

Friday, October 9, 2015 - 06:26
Kenya and foreign donors are pouring substantial funds into the country’s counter-terrorism campaigns, but these efforts can only succeed if funds are managed effectively.
Tuesday, October 6, 2015 - 07:25
It is clear that some countries, especially those in Africa, are doing more than their fair share in peacekeeping contributions.
Tuesday, September 22, 2015 - 06:12
The terrorist threat, previously confined to the north, has spread to the rest of the country, despite the presence of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilisation Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) and the French military under Operation Barkhane.
Tuesday, September 15, 2015 - 06:30
While the continent has come a long way in developing the African Standby Force (ASF), it will still not be fully operational. So, what exactly should the AU Chairperson tell member states at the AU Summit in January next year?
Friday, August 7, 2015 - 05:56
The outcome was unexpected, but extraordinary: the World Bank agreed to extend a US$2.1 billion low-interest loan to Nigeria, for the specific purpose of rebuilding the areas in the north-east that have been worst affected by Boko Haram.
Thursday, May 21, 2015 - 06:59
A high-level review of United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolution 1325, expected to be released in October this year, provides an opportunity for policymakers to move beyond the rhetoric of gender mainstreaming and start putting words into practice. Resolution 1325 underlines the need for gender-sensitive approaches to peace and stability in post-conflict contexts.
Monday, February 9, 2015 - 06:37
2014 was an important year for African maritime security, and one of several improvements. For many, maritime security is synonymous with piracy, and the fight against piracy remains the most notable area of success.
Thursday, January 22, 2015 - 06:42
As Burundi inches towards more instability, international and regional actors have been struggling to concretely respond to early warnings. With the ongoing stabilization efforts in eastern Congo dominating the security agenda in the region, strides towards peace and democratic consolidation are losing ground in Burundi.
Wednesday, January 14, 2015 - 07:47
Madama, located in the northeast of Niger in the vast Teneré desert, is 10 days’ drive from the capital Niamey and doesn’t even feature on most maps. This is where Jean-Yves Le Drian, French Minister of Defence, spent the first day of 2015 visiting troops in a brand new military base, which is being set up as part of France’s Operation Barkhane to fight Islamist terror groups in the Sahel.
Thursday, December 18, 2014 - 05:50
This is a risk, particularly for Africa, which is the main beneficiary of UN peacebuilding efforts. The continent must ensure that its voice and needs are heard. Peacebuilding is in a difficult position at the UN.
