
Tuesday, July 22, 2014 - 07:05
The Nigerian Army yesterday in Lagos said it was undertaking a number of counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency measures with a view to combating the security challenges confronting the country, saying it had adopted a new approach known as “Manoeuverist’ approach to warfare.”
Monday, July 21, 2014 - 06:31
French President François Hollande wrapped up a three-day tour of West Africa on Saturday with a visit to Chad, the future headquarters of a new French force designed to combat Islamist violence.
Friday, July 18, 2014 - 12:58

This week Congress discussed President Obama’s $5 billion Counterterrorism Partnership Fund, the conflict between Israel and Hamas militants in Gaza intensified, and the U.S. signed an $11 billion defense contract with Qatar. Read these stories and more below.

Friday, July 18, 2014 - 08:04
What the president labels the “Yemen model” has not been as successful as the White House claims; indeed, it is in danger of collapse. Attempting to replicate it in much more challenging conditions in Iraq and Syria will almost certainly fail.
Friday, July 18, 2014 - 07:47
The Pentagon could use a new $5 billion counterterrorism fund, strongly opposed by the US Congress, to purchase new intelligence gear and aircraft for American and partner militaries, a Defense Department official said.
Friday, July 18, 2014 - 07:22

The United States Africa Command gave the Mauritanian military two aircrafts with advanced surveillance equipment worth $21 million each and Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan is seeking approval from legislators to borrow $1 billion from foreign governments to fight terrorism. Read more about these stories and other news highlights from the African region below. 

Friday, July 18, 2014 - 06:51
Counterterrorism laws restricting the flow of cash to Somalia are severely harming efforts to prevent a famine similar to the 2011 catastrophe which killed 260,000 people, experts have said.
Thursday, July 17, 2014 - 10:32
Nearly 13 years after the US arrived, and following the cycling of more than five million servicemen through Afghanistan, geopolitics in Central Asia are shifting - and the United States has just ceded its most substantial asset.
Thursday, July 17, 2014 - 07:19
US House Armed Services Committee leaders struck a skeptical — and bipartisan — tone about a $5 billion counterterrorism program proposed by President Barack Obama.
Thursday, July 17, 2014 - 07:04
Nigeria's president says he wants to borrow $1 billion from abroad for equipment and training for the military fighting an Islamic insurgency.
