
Monday, September 22, 2014 - 07:18
In the past Central Asian governments expressed concern over foreign fighters infiltrating their territory. Now the principal concern for security services in the region is the return of Central Asian jihadists who are currently fighting in Syria and Iraq. Central Asian nationals are becoming increasingly involved in these conflicts.
Monday, September 22, 2014 - 07:15
On Saturday September 20,Tajik Interior Minister Ramazon Rahimozoda met here with Vice-Minister of Public Security of China, Li Wei, who is also director of National Anti-Terrorism Leading Office.
Monday, September 22, 2014 - 05:35
Kenyan troops will keep fighting Islamist militants in Somalia until peace and stability is restored to the region, President Uhuru Kenyatta said, one year after gunmen stormed a shopping mall in his country's capital.
Monday, September 22, 2014 - 05:31
A year after the attack on Westgate Mall in Nairobi, evidence shows that the region remains vulnerable to the threat of terrorism, particularly from the Middle East, and that the war against terror is far from being won.
Monday, September 22, 2014 - 05:30
A year has passed since Al-Shabaab militants laid siege of the Westgate shopping centre in Nairobi. The attack, believed to have been carried out by four gunmen, left 67 dead and laid waste to the luxury complex. President Uhuru Kenyatta promised to form an independent Commission of Inquiry to investigate the attack and the actions by the police, armed forces and other responders.
Friday, September 19, 2014 - 07:59
The SCO Intelligence Agencies have approved the protocol on cooperation of SCO Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (SCO RATS) with competent authorities of Afghanistan, Iran and Mongolia at the 25th meeting of the Council of SCO RATS held in Dushanbe on September 19.
Friday, September 19, 2014 - 07:41
China is ready to offer help in Lebanon's fight against terrorism, a Chinese envoy said Thursday, while expressing his country’s deep concern over escalating security developments in the region.
Friday, September 19, 2014 - 07:23
Tras la detención esta madrugada de tres personas, la Policía y la Fiscalía chilenas continúan un amplio operativo para desarticular a un grupo que presuntamente está detrás de los recientes atentados en Santiago, entre ellos el que el pasado 8 de septiembre dejó 14 heridos en el metro.
Friday, September 19, 2014 - 07:11
Tajikistan's president says some 200 Tajik nationals have joined Islamist militants in Iraq and Syria.
Friday, September 19, 2014 - 06:30
As lawmakers grapple with President Obama’s claim that he already has congressional authorization for airstrikes against the Islamic State, legal specialists are saying that even legislative inaction could create a precedent leaving the executive branch with greater war-making powers.
