
Monday, March 14, 2016 - 06:51
Dakar has been a strong force against Islamic extremism. It may also be the next big target. The referendum is a reminder that this is a sub-Saharan African country that is a historically stable democracy, in a region that has seen coups, dictatorship and most recently, Islamist extremism.
Thursday, March 10, 2016 - 06:27
Sartaj Aziz, Foreign Affairs Advisor to Pakistan’s Prime Minister, has, for the first time by a top member of the establishment, acknowledged that Pakistan has influence over the Afghan Taliban and that they were living in Pakistan.
Thursday, March 10, 2016 - 06:15
The African Union will send a mission to northern Mali in the next few weeks to look into setting up a counter-terrorism force to support vulnerable U.N. peacekeepers, sources familiar with the matter said.
Tuesday, March 8, 2016 - 06:16
A 5,000-strong, Italian-led international force is ready to deploy in Libya as concern grows over the threat from extremist groups operating in the country, with dozens killed in clashes in neighbouring Tunisia on Monday.
Tuesday, March 1, 2016 - 06:39
Facing an increasing tide of female and young jihadists, the government of the Central Asian nation of Kyrgyzstan is turning to women for help.
Monday, February 29, 2016 - 06:48
Antiterrorist exercises have been conducted at Russia’s Lyaur military range located on the outskirts of the Tajikistani capital Dushanbe, spokesman for the Russian Central Military District Nikolay Berkalov told TASS on Monday.
Tuesday, February 23, 2016 - 06:33
The U.S. stepped up airstrikes in northeastern Syria against Islamic State targets Sunday while suicide bombings blamed on the terror group in western Syria killed more than 100.
Thursday, February 18, 2016 - 06:11
The foreign ministry Tuesday reiterated its rejection for American conditions to normalize bilateral relations, while the speaker of the Sudanese parliament hinted that his country may stop counter-terrorism cooperation with Washington.
Wednesday, February 17, 2016 - 06:14
The United States plans to give Central Asia an additional $50 million in military aid under a new program, with the bulk of the aid focused on Tajikistan, budget documents released by the White House show.
Thursday, February 11, 2016 - 06:05
Military chiefs from the countries contributing troops in Somalia are in Nairobi to discuss strengthening in their forces in the war-torn country.
