
Monday, November 18, 2013 - 07:50
Nigerian troops have killed 29 suspected Islamist militants in two days of fighting in the northeast, where security forces are trying to stamp out Boko Haram’s four-year-old insurgency, the military said on Saturday.
Monday, November 18, 2013 - 07:39
What are the best and most morally justifiable ways to deal with the terror threat in Africa? As the continent reels from the horrific attack by the extremist group Al-Shabaab on the Westgate Mall in Kenya on 21 September and the cold-blooded assassination of journalists in Northern Mali on 2 November, this question is as valid today as it was a decade ago.
Monday, November 18, 2013 - 07:20
Since President Obama adopted stricter targeting guidelines, the number of lethal missile strikes has dropped. He also vowed greater transparency, but that change is yet to come.
Monday, November 18, 2013 - 06:47

On Thursday, October 24, unknown pirates seized an American-flagged oil industry vessel off the coast of Nigeria, kidnapping the captain and chief engineer in the process. The ship, identified as the C-Retriever, was boarded by pirates off the coast of the Nigerian town of Brass, near the oil-rich Niger Delta.

Monday, November 18, 2013 - 06:44
He recalled Kyrgyzstan’s contribution to the antiterrorist fight was repeatedly emphasized in various forums and meetings by many countries, including the United States.
Friday, November 15, 2013 - 13:16

Below is a roundup of some of the top articles and news highlights from around the Middle East and North Africa over the last week:


Friday, November 15, 2013 - 11:11

Below is a roundup of some of the top articles and news highlights from around Africa over the last week:

Friday, November 15, 2013 - 10:13
French troops should be allowed to hunt down al Qaeda-linked militants beyond Mali's borders, French army chief Admiral Edouard Guillaud said in a rare interview on Thursday.
Friday, November 15, 2013 - 10:10
Nigerians hope the designation of Islamist militant groups Boko Haram and Ansaru as terrorist organizations by the US will boost security. Others worry about the impact of US counter-terrorism on their daily lives.
Friday, November 15, 2013 - 10:09
Abdi Ali is awakened by a text message alert asking for urgent help: Five militants on a civilian bus are on the way to Mogadishu.
