Human Rights

Friday, August 8, 2014 - 12:05

Conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia escalated sharply this week, while Azerbaijan continued its crackdown on civil society groups. Read these and other top stories in Central Eurasia below.

Friday, August 8, 2014 - 06:18
While Rafael Correa’s administration has strengthened the economy, it has concentrated power in the executive and persecutes judges and opponents according to a study by Dejusticia, DPFL, and IDL
Thursday, August 7, 2014 - 08:50
Uganda's parliament will try to re-introduce an anti-homosexuality law that was thrown out by a court, a lawmaker leading the effort said on Wednesday, a move that could once again damage relations with the West.
Wednesday, August 6, 2014 - 07:07
Bahrain's expulsion last month of the top U.S. diplomat for democracy and human rights was a provocative move that seemed sure to bring a strong reaction from Washington. But four weeks later, the Obama administration has made no visible response beyond a phone call from Secretary of State John F. Kerry to Bahraini Foreign Minister Sheik Khalid bin Ahmed Khalifa expressing U.S. concern.
Wednesday, August 6, 2014 - 06:21
The United States on Monday urged African leaders to respect political differences, saying that core democratic principles are vital to achieving long-term economic growth.
Wednesday, August 6, 2014 - 06:03
Boko Haram militants in northern Nigeria have repeatedly been blamed for killings and other human rights violations. New video footage appears to show the Nigerian military executing suspected members of the group.
Tuesday, August 5, 2014 - 07:00
Nigeria's army has committed atrocities in the north-east in its fight against Islamist militants belonging to Boko Haram, Amnesty International says.
Tuesday, August 5, 2014 - 06:58
Azerbaijan’s arrest of a leading human rights defender and government critic, Rasul Jafarov, reflects the government’s concerted efforts to silence its critics.
Tuesday, August 5, 2014 - 06:34
US President Barack Obama should ensure that human rights concerns are a major focus of the US-Africa Leaders Summit, Human Rights Watch said today. Rights concerns should not be relegated to meetings in the margins of the summit.
Monday, August 4, 2014 - 07:54
Azerbaijan in recent months has launched a clear assault against various civil-society activists and non-governmental organizations
