Arms Sales

Tuesday, May 17, 2016 - 06:45
French shipyard Piriou is set to build an oceanographic vessel for Morocco, which will be based on the French Navy’s B2M model. This is according to French maritime publication Le Marin, which reported that the deal has been signed but will only be confirmed by month end.
Tuesday, May 17, 2016 - 06:42
India is apparently in talks with African countries interested in its Light Combat Helicopter (LCH), which is edging closer to production.
Tuesday, May 17, 2016 - 06:32
Incomplete government reporting continues to hinder well informed discussions on arms trade and military expenditure and highlights the continuing efforts made by NGOs and research institutes to collect and disseminate relevant information and analysis.
Monday, May 16, 2016 - 08:44
France and Nigeria are to sign a military cooperation deal in the next few months, following the signing of a letter of intention when Presidents François Hollande and Muhammadu Buhari during an international conference on fighting the Boko Haram in Abuja this weekend.
Monday, May 16, 2016 - 06:32
U.N. experts say Congolese army officers and police reported receiving pistols from a group of 30 North Korean instructors training their presidential guard and special police forces, which would appear to be a violation of U.N. sanctions banning Pyongyang from exporting weapons or providing military training.
Monday, May 16, 2016 - 06:20
Less than two years after it blocked a sale of American-made attack helicopters to Nigeria from Israel because of human rights concerns, the Obama administration says it is poised to sell up to 12 light attack aircraft to Nigeria as part of an effort to support the country’s fight against the Boko Haram militant group.
Friday, May 13, 2016 - 07:54
Russia is selling to Armenia outdated military equipment on loan, Vagif Dargahli, spokesperson for Azerbaijan’s Defense Ministry, told APA on Wednesday. He was commenting on reports of Armenia buying Russian military equipment on loan.
Friday, May 13, 2016 - 07:33
The director of the Central Asia and Kazakhstan Studies Department of the Russian Institute for Commonwealth of Independent States countries confirmed that the settlement of the mutual claims deal will allow Tashkent to increase its military purchases from Russia in the future by making it eligible to receive Russian military loans—which had not been previously possible, due to legislative restrictions.
Thursday, May 12, 2016 - 07:28
Saudia Arabia is the largest importer of Pakistani arms, and has purchased small and medium conventional weaponry worth millions of dollars, the National Assembly Defence Production Committee was informed on Friday.
Thursday, May 12, 2016 - 07:03
As the initiators, backers, and majority of aerial bombers in this war, Saudi Arabia is using millions of dollars worth of weapons purchased from the United States to fuel their offensive. The U.S. seems to be rationalizing its role in the conflict by arguing the weapons deals will be good for the American economy and will help maintain our longtime relationship with Saudi Arabia.
