NGOs and Academia

Tuesday, May 14, 2013 - 00:00
The plan has been criticized by human rights activists who see it as a return to Venezuela’s tradition of militarized policing.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013 - 00:00
The rifts caused by Colindres' participation in the truce -- which was signed by El Salvador's two largest street gangs, the MS-13 and the Barrio 18 in March of last year -- are still playing out in this Central American nation.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013 - 00:00
Hopefully, in the future rural communities will be consulted by big corporations when they want to use their land for economic venture, and that peaceful life can become a reality for indigenous and Quilombola people in rural areas of Brazil .
Friday, May 10, 2013 - 00:00
On the bright side, there is a significant amount of mobility in Mexico's middle three economic quartiles. In contrast, few of the richest and the poorest leave their origins behind.
Friday, May 10, 2013 - 00:00
Compromise on border security may be a mere warm up for the difficult negotiations ahead for SB744, and we had best be prepared.
Friday, May 10, 2013 - 00:00
Han pasado 30 dias desde que el presidente Juan Manuel Santos ordeno desmantelar 24 'ollas' en 20 ciudades del pais. ¿A que se enfrentan las autoridades?
Wednesday, May 8, 2013 - 00:00
The letter to President Obama and Secretary Kerry expresses support for the ongoing peace negotiations between the Colombian government and FARC.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013 - 00:00
These exchanges would seem to make less likely an improvement of Venezuela’s relations with the US government and the OAS during the Maduro Administration
Tuesday, May 7, 2013 - 00:00
Hours after Obama spoke, a crowd of approximately 100 students, activists, and former migrants gathered outside the U.S. Embassy in Mexico City to protest the record number of deportations—409,849 immigrants—from the United States in the fiscal year o
Friday, May 3, 2013 - 00:00
The recent opening of an investigation against Vale, the second largest global mining company, for suspected illegal intelligence activities targeting social movements and human rights defenders
