U.S. Government

Tuesday, January 21, 2014 - 07:28
Since its independence, South Sudan has made modest but important steps on the path to development. But today, fighting between government and rebel forces puts that progress at risk, wreaking havoc on a people who have faced more than their share of suffering and denial. Recent violence in South Sudan has left thousands dead and has driven nearly half a million people from their homes.
Tuesday, January 21, 2014 - 00:00
The United States welcomes the selection of Catherine Samba-Panza as Transitional President in the Central African Republic (C.A.R.).As C.A.R.'s first woman head of state since the country’s independence, and with her special background in human rights work and mediation, she has a unique opportunity to advance the political transition process.
Friday, January 17, 2014 - 13:50
he Africa Center for Strategic Studies (ACSS) supported a five-day workshop January 13–17, 2014, on lessons-learned from U.S. and Nigerian counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency activities, jointly hosted by the Nigerian Defence College, U.S. Special Operations Command, and Special Operations Command at AFRICOM.
Friday, January 17, 2014 - 13:40
Press Secretary Jay Carney addresses the president's conversation with certain senators regarding the Iran nuclear deal and the release of Benghazi Senate intelligence report.
Friday, January 17, 2014 - 13:34
Spokesperson Jen Psaki addresses the upcoming Geneva II talks, humanitarian aid to Syria, Egypt's constitutional referendum, U.S. aid to Egypt, the Senate Intelligence report on Benghazi, the murders of prominent Rwandan exiles, and other issues.
Friday, January 17, 2014 - 12:25
Today the United States announced a $2 million contribution to the International Organization for Migration (IOM) to provide emergency assistance to vulnerable Ethiopian migrant returnees from Saudi Arabia.
Friday, January 17, 2014 - 12:16
U.S. Army Africa continues to support joint military operations in Central African Republic that began in mid-December. Additionally, USARAF just coordinated airlift to hundreds of French forces deployed in support of security assistance across Mali. Multiple nations joined together to ensure peace remains a reality for Mali residents.
Thursday, January 16, 2014 - 12:12
A senior Defense Department official has warned about the growing threat of narcotics originating in Afghanistan and has urged continued support for efforts to eradicate production.
Thursday, January 16, 2014 - 12:10
Acting Deputy Defense Secretary Christine H. Fox and the director general of Israel's Defense Ministry reaffirmed the strength of the U.S.-Israeli defense relationship in a meeting at the Pentagon.
Thursday, January 16, 2014 - 12:06
DOD is broadening its training for those who work in contracting, acquisition and law enforcement, and that a yearly general course on how to recognize human trafficking has been mandatory for DOD personnel since 2005.
