Justin Lynch

Wednesday, October 12, 2016 - 07:05
A confidential letter from the U.N. secretary-general says South Sudan's government is undermining a U.N. Security Council decision to deploy an additional 4,000 peacekeepers, risking an arms embargo as fighting continues in the world's youngest nation.
Monday, September 26, 2016 - 08:04
A top South Sudanese opposition leader called Saturday for armed resistance to the government in Juba — a stance that suggests the troubled Central African nation could face a renewed civil war in the near future.
Thursday, September 22, 2016 - 07:44
The United Nations says some people fleeing South Sudan into Uganda are forced to pay bribes at checkpoints run by South Sudan's government and armed groups. It also says it has received reports of physical and sexual assaults and forced family separations.
Monday, September 12, 2016 - 06:29
Escalating violence in South Sudan is casting a light on Israel’s murky involvement in that conflict and raising questions about Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s new strategy of strengthening ties with African countries.