Uran Botobekov

Monday, August 1, 2016 - 15:06
The military and technical capacities of the Islamic State have been weakened by series of defeats on the battlefield. As a result, some fighters who fought on the side of the so-called Caliphate have begun to return clandestinely to Central Asia. Following the liberation of Fallujah and Manbij in Iraq and Aleppo in Syria, the number of extremists returning to their home countries is increasing. With the return of these now-veterans fighters, the threat of terrorist attacks has increased, causing deep concerns among the ruling regimes in Central Asia.
Wednesday, May 25, 2016 - 06:54
Analysis of ISIS activities over the past two months shows that as they are weakened by defeats on the battlefield, jihadists have begun to change their recruitment tactics, particularly with regard to efforts targeted at Central Asia.