Michael Drager

Friday, April 29, 2016 - 12:42

As the United States continues to expand its military cooperation with France for combat operations to address Islamic extremism in Africa, another area the United States may want to collaborate with France is building professional military forces in Africa. Unlike the United States, France has a much more robust and cohesive system for providing military education to Africa’s militaries in West and Central Africa and a wealth of experience in providing this education. However, there may be some challenges in working with France.

Friday, April 29, 2016 - 12:34

France maintains a network of sixteen military training schools in ten countries throughout its former colonial sphere. This network presents both opportuntieis for increased military training coordination with the U.S., as well as new trans-Atlantic challenges. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2016 - 07:24

The President requested significant changes in U.S. peacekeeping aid to Africa for FY 2017, but which countries are affected the most.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016 - 06:03
The U.S. invests over $16 billion in foreign military and police aid every year, but what are the risks when such aid account for a large percentage of foreign national security budgets?
Tuesday, March 8, 2016 - 08:42

The United States invests over $15 billion in foreign military and police aid every year, but what are the risks when such aid accounts for a large percentage of foreign national defense budgets? The following image depicts the top ten countries most reliant on U.S. military aid in 2015 and some of the risks associated with such practices.