Matthias Williams

Wednesday, November 2, 2016 - 08:39
Ukrainian authorities will investigate politicians and officials who declare cash assets of more than $100,000 and will impose prison sentences of up to 15 years on any found guilty of wrongdoing, General Prosecutor Yuriy Lutsenko said on Tuesday.
Tuesday, May 17, 2016 - 06:45
The launch of Ukraine's new police patrol force last year sparked an internet craze of citizens posting selfies with newly recruited officers. The most visibly successful reform to have emerged from the pro-European Maidan protests in 2014 is now under threat, serving and former law enforcement officials say, accusing vested interests of seeking to obstruct and discredit the force.
Thursday, October 9, 2014 - 07:25
Bulgaria on Wednesday rejected Russian accusations that it was betraying its former Soviet-era ally by considering replacing its ageing Russian warplanes with ones built in the West.