The Washington Post

Wednesday, January 27, 2010 - 00:00
If Mr. Chavez were a right-wing leader or an ally of the United States, Latin American governments and many Democrats in Congress would be mobilizing to stop his latest abuse of power.
Monday, January 25, 2010 - 00:00
The tension between U.S. policy and the desperation to leave is spawning a debate in Washington over whether the government should let more Haitians in.
Monday, January 25, 2010 - 00:00
Venezuela President Hugo Chavez's government ordered cable providers on Sunday to stop showing the popular television station RCTV, which had violated regulations requiring broadcasters to televise the socialist leader's long speeches.
Monday, January 25, 2010 - 00:00
The turning point in the battle between authoritarian populism and liberal democracy in Latin America has passed - and Chavez has lost.
Thursday, January 21, 2010 - 00:00
The United States and other major international donors should prepare for that long-term commitment to help with humanitarian, logistical, engineering and nation-building tasks but without raising false hopes that outside aid alone will deliver Haiti
Thursday, January 21, 2010 - 00:00
There's some truth in all of the secular explanations. But they leave out the most painful and perplexing factor we encounter whenever terrible things happen: bad luck
Thursday, January 21, 2010 - 00:00
A sign that appeared outside an open mass grave at the city's largest cemetery read: 'Please. The hole is filled. It can't take more bodies'
Thursday, January 21, 2010 - 00:00
The United Nations and aid groups are trying to run a relief operation for 3 million people while coping with missing staff and family members, damaged warehouses and files buried in shattered buildings
Wednesday, January 20, 2010 - 00:00
U.S. and Canadian military forces have been designated to guard food distribution sites as they open, freeing the U.N. security forces to patrol and keep order. The additional U.N. peacekeeping personnel approved Tuesday will bring the total in Haiti to 1
Friday, January 15, 2010 - 00:00
All day Thursday, it was mainly the people of this shattered city, working with bare hands and simple tools, who clawed at the rubble and pulled at slabs of concrete and blocks of debris to get at those still trapped
