U.S. House of Representatives

Monday, May 6, 2013 - 00:00
When Colombia does well, the United States does well. And while we may have a few differences here and there with other countries in Latin America, let there be no doubt that Colombia is a bright, shining example for all of the world when we work together
Saturday, May 4, 2013 - 00:00
According to President Obama, the U.S. has much to apologize for: when the guns are used in Mexico, it the U.S. supplier, not the Mexican consumer, that is at fault; but when the drugs are used in the U.S., it is the U.S. consumer, not the Mexican supplie
Friday, May 3, 2013 - 00:00
Known for being white-clad in symbolization of peace, the women of this organization are all relatives of political prisoners and have remained steadfast in their fight for freedom.
Friday, May 3, 2013 - 00:00
For over 10 years, Yoani Sanchez has documented the realities of life in Cuba through her blog, Generacion Y, and drawn worldwide attention to Cuba's civil society.
Friday, April 19, 2013 - 00:00
I am also keenly aware of how we turn U.S. citizen children into orphans by repatriating their migrant parents to Mexico and placing their sons and daughters in foster care.
Monday, April 15, 2013 - 00:00
The non-partisan Government Accountability Office found that only 6 percent of the U.S.-Mexico border is under full control of the Border Patrol.
Thursday, April 11, 2013 - 00:00
We are continually exposing ourselves not just to dope and drugs being run into this country but into a potential of a terrorist attack on the United States and a weapon that was run through the border of Mexico.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013 - 00:00
And the Drug Enforcement Agency does tell us that between 80 and 90 percent of the illegal drugs consumed in America come from or through Mexico.
Monday, March 18, 2013 - 00:00
Mexican drug cartels, like the Sinaloa cartel, should be labeled a foreign terrorist organization. Then we can better deal with international terrorist threats to America like Public Enemy No. 1, El Chapo.
Friday, March 15, 2013 - 00:00
For over 10 years, Yoani Sanchez has documented the realities of life in Cuba through her blog, Generation Y, and drawn worldwide attention to Cuba's civil society.
