
Thursday, June 9, 2016 - 07:15
Islamic State fighters withdrew from front lines with Syrian rebel forces north of Aleppo on Wednesday as the rebels mounted a counter attack against the jihadist group near the Turkish border, an opposition source and monitoring group said.
Thursday, June 9, 2016 - 06:38
17-month U.S. effort to retrain and reunify Iraq’s regular army has failed to create a large number of effective Iraqi combat units or limit the power of sectarian militias, according to officials. Concern about the shortcomings of the American attempt comes as Iraqi government forces and Shiite militias have launched an offensive to retake the city of Fallujah from Islamic State.
Thursday, June 9, 2016 - 06:24
U.S. officials tell Reuters they see no evidence that Boko Haram has received significant operational support or financing from Islamic State, more than a year after the brutal West African group's pledge of allegiance to it.
Monday, June 6, 2016 - 06:47
El Salvador prosecutors on Thursday asked Congress to allow the government to investigate the country's ambassador to Germany for illegal arms sales during his time in the Defense Ministry. The government said Ambassador Jose Atilio Benitez, 57, a retired general, committed fraud with more than 30 weapons that belonged to the armed forces, selling everything from military rifles to handguns on the black market.
Monday, June 6, 2016 - 06:40
Saudi Arabia has rejected a United Nations report that criticized the military coalition it is leading in Yemen, saying it was based primarily on information supplied by its adversaries.
Friday, June 3, 2016 - 06:32
Britain’s habit of sending UK troops to train and mentor authoritarian regimes such as Turkey and Saudi Arabia are “deeply concerning” and need to be addressed, politicians and campaigners say.
Friday, June 3, 2016 - 06:21
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon slammed the Saudi Arabia-led coalition fighting in Yemen for killing and maiming children by adding it to an annual blacklist of states and armed groups that violate children's rights during conflict.
Thursday, June 2, 2016 - 06:40
U.S.-backed Syrian militias vowed on Thursday to drive Islamic State (IS) from the city of Manbij and surrounding areas in northern Syria and urged civilians there to stay away from militant positions that would be targeted in the campaign.
Thursday, June 2, 2016 - 06:34
Tajikistan has boosted troop numbers on its frontier with Afghanistan, the border guard service said on Wednesday, due to security threats from armed smugglers, kidnappers and Islamist insurgents.
Thursday, June 2, 2016 - 05:55
A U.S. air strike last week targeted a senior leader of the al Qaeda-linked militant group al Shabaab in Somalia, but the Pentagon was still assessing the drone strike operation's results, a spokesman said on Wednesday.
