Foreign Policy

Wednesday, June 24, 2015 - 09:27
Arming Iraq's Sunni militias to fight the Islamic State may seem like a quick fix, but newly declassified documents suggest it might only add fuel to the fire.
Wednesday, June 24, 2015 - 06:56
The peace talks have dragged on for more than two years now and the most important issues have yet to be even discussed: the disarmament and demobilization of FARC fighters and the issue of justice for FARC leaders.
Thursday, June 18, 2015 - 07:32
Ukraine face a crisis. Nigeria passed a test. And the Islamic State and Ebola left inedible marks. How 2014's success stories and struggles affected state - and global - stability last year and set the stage for 2015.
Friday, June 12, 2015 - 05:42
The Islamic State provides “an additional lever of pressure to convince regional governments to join Russia-led multilateral organizations and ensure that the region stays solidly within Russia’s sphere of influence."
Friday, June 12, 2015 - 05:37
The Aliyev regime is selling itself in Washington as friendly and progressive. Is your Congressman buying it?
Thursday, June 11, 2015 - 07:10
Leopoldo López embodies the change his country needs. And that's exactly why he's still in jail.
Wednesday, June 10, 2015 - 06:36
The United States and its allies may be killing thousands of Islamic State militants from the air, but the Islamist extremist group is recruiting at least as many fighters for its war in Iraq and Syria as it is losing, experts say.
Friday, June 5, 2015 - 10:22
When the United States gave more than 3,000 armored Humvees to Iraqi security forces over the past 12 years, U.S. officials could not have imagined that the humble utility vehicles would become a decisive weapon in the hands of Washington’s enemies from the Islamic State. But that is exactly what has happened.
Thursday, June 4, 2015 - 07:36
A former senior Obama administration official told lawmakers Wednesday that the United States should send more American special operations forces to Iraq to work directly with the Sunni tribesmen. But in a separate speech in the Qatari capital, the top U.S. envoy to the global coalition against the Islamic State signaled that the Shiite volunteer fighters known as Popular Mobilization Forces will be necessary to wrest Anbar’s overwhelmingly Sunni cities back from the extremists.
Wednesday, June 3, 2015 - 06:57
A pair of senators is pushing the Pentagon to do more to prevent the Islamic State from using massive improvised explosive devices that have long been a hallmark of Sunni insurgents and, more recently, cleared the extremists’ pathway to seize the Iraqi city of Ramadi last month.
