
Friday, August 23, 2013 - 13:39
Thousands of Bahrainis were allowed to march peacefully outside Manama calling for democratic reforms on Friday, 10 days after police cracked down on scattered protests organized by an online group inspired by recent demonstrations in Egypt.
Friday, August 23, 2013 - 10:38

Below is a roundup of some of the top articles and news highlights from around the MENA region over the last week:

U.S. Policy:

Friday, August 23, 2013 - 09:31
Weapons have become a part of the daily lives of Tripoli’s residents, as their possession is no longer limited to the armed groups. The trade in arms is now seeing residents buy their own guns, pistols and even hand grenades.
Friday, August 23, 2013 - 08:42
Step by step, the once-shunned officials of Tunisia's old order have returned to the political scene and are turning up the pressure on the governing Islamist party Ennahda to make way for them.
Friday, August 23, 2013 - 08:39
The Ministry of Interior yesterday called on all members of the Supreme Security Committee (SSC) who did not fulfill the requirements for work in the security sector and who wish to work in the civilian sector to complete the necessary paperwork.
Friday, August 23, 2013 - 07:30
An unknown number of insurgents were killed in fighting between Kenyan Defense Forces and al-Shabaab guerrillas in the Kenyan border town of Hulugho, local officials said.
Friday, August 23, 2013 - 06:56
The rebels invaded on stolen motorcycles at 5 a.m., shooting into the air to announce their arrival in the secluded village in Central African Republic. They went house to house, breaking down doors and separating the men from the women and children.
Friday, August 23, 2013 - 06:49
After a three-week lull, heavy fighting has resumed outside Goma in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo. M23 rebels and the DRC army blame each other for renewing hostilities. The battle began Wednesday night and continued into Thursday.
Friday, August 23, 2013 - 06:42
Hopes that Somalia may soon turn the page on decades of anarchy have been dealt a string of blows, giving the internationally-backed government little to cheer as it marks its first birthday.
Thursday, August 22, 2013 - 09:33
After two decades of violence and political upheaval in DRC, we realize how easy it might be for U.S. leaders and the world to give up Congo. From MONUSCO, to the FARDC to the Congolese government, it seems as though none of the major institutions are functioning well or are truly committed to a lasting peace.
