Suleiman Al-Khalidi

Monday, August 1, 2016 - 15:06
U.S.-backed forces have now seized control of almost 70 percent of Manbij in northern Syria from Islamic State after making rapid advances over the past two days, a spokesman said on Sunday. Syria Democratic Forces (SDF) have pushed back the ultra hardline Sunni militants into the old quarter after seizing most of the western, eastern and southern sectors of the city.
Wednesday, March 23, 2016 - 06:46
The U.N. special envoy on Syria said he hoped a meeting between the U.S. and Russian foreign ministers on Wednesday would give impetus to peace talks where the divisive issue of a political transition is stalling progress.
Friday, March 4, 2016 - 06:29
The United States delivered eight Black Hawk helicopters to Jordan on Thursday to help its regional ally defend itself against the threat of Islamic State militants, Jordanian and U.S. officials said.
Monday, December 7, 2015 - 06:37
Groups that have received support from the United States or its allies have turned their guns on each other in a northern corner of Syria, highlighting the difficulties of mobilizing forces on the ground against Islamic State.
Tuesday, October 20, 2015 - 05:38
Rebels battling the Syrian army and its allies near Aleppo said on Monday they had received new supplies of U.S.-made anti-tank missiles from states opposed to President Bashar al-Assad since the start of a major government offensive last week.
Tuesday, June 24, 2014 - 06:15
ordan beefed up its border defenses with Iraq on Sunday after Sunni gunmen seized territory close to its border in Anbar province.
Friday, October 18, 2013 - 10:12
The militia rivalries mirror a struggle within Libya's fragile government, where the secular tribal alliance controls the defense ministry and the Islamist-leaning Libya Shield Force works under the interior ministry.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013 - 07:32
The federalists do not have widespread support for full autonomy, and often appear to use federalism more for leverage against Tripoli, according to analysts, local officials and diplomats.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013 - 09:17
The political arm of Libya's Muslim Brotherhood called on Prime Minister Ali Zeidan to resign, accusing him of failing to tackle corruption or build a united national army in a country riven by tribal rivalries.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013 - 12:09
Armed groups, security guards and oil workers with tribal loyalties have shut down pipelines and oil ports across the country.