U.N. Peacekeeping

Friday, September 11, 2015 - 06:47
Some 170 Rwandan police officers have been deployed to South Sudan's city of Malakal, to beef up the UN peacekeeping Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), police source revealed Thursday in Kigali.
Tuesday, September 8, 2015 - 06:46
United Nations peacekeepers should take tougher action against armed groups to restore stability to the crisis-torn Central African Republic, the United Nations human rights chief said Friday, but they need to be reinforced with more men and attack helicopters to fulfill their mission.
Wednesday, August 26, 2015 - 06:10
Obama is calling a summit to boost the UN's peacekeeping efforts. His first step should be to lead by example.
Thursday, August 20, 2015 - 07:45
With what is touted to be the final exercise before the AU’s African Standby Force (ASF) becomes reality looming ever larger on the horizon another reminder the importance such a force has for the continent this week came from the United Nations.
Thursday, August 20, 2015 - 07:42
In the latest in a series of sexual abuse allegations against United Nations peacekeepers in the Central African Republic, the families of two women and one girl under the age of 18 have accused three peacekeepers of rape, the United Nations announced Wednesday.
Thursday, August 20, 2015 - 06:43
Armenia welcomes UN cooperation with CSTO and looks forward to UN presence and observance of a combined exercise of the CSTO Peacekeeping Forces, entitled “Co-operation 2015”, to be held in Armenia in early autumn.
Wednesday, August 19, 2015 - 08:09
Mali's U.N. peacekeeping mission deployed troops around a northern separatist stronghold on Tuesday, seeking to prevent an escalation of clashes between rebels and pro-government militias that threaten to torpedo a peace deal.
Thursday, August 13, 2015 - 07:17
The head of the UN peacekeeping mission in Central African Republic has resigned over the force's handling of a series of sexual and other misconduct allegations.
Wednesday, August 12, 2015 - 06:05
The rape of a 12-year-old girl and the apparent indiscriminate killings of a 16-year-old boy and his father by UN peacekeeping forces in the Central African Republic must be urgently investigated.
Tuesday, August 11, 2015 - 06:32
The two South Sudan rival factions have resumed talks on August 6, 2015 at Addis Abeba as President Obama put more pressure on the warring parties, urging them to reach agreement by August 17th, 2015.
