Peace Negotiations

Wednesday, November 6, 2013 - 08:27
Col. Mamadou Moustafa stood at the front lines of the battle for eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, surveying his soldiers fighting to dislodge rebels from the surrounding hills.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013 - 08:24
Authorities and aid groups in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) are calling on residents to live in harmony amid reported threats against alleged collaborators of the defeated M23 rebel group.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013 - 08:14
One of Congo’s most feared rebel groups declared an end to its violent insurgency Tuesday after a string of military defeats at the hands of Congolese army forces backed by a new U.N. combat brigade.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013 - 08:07
Le M23 a proclamé, mardi 5 novembre, la fin immédiate de sa rébellion dans l’est de la RDC et affirme vouloir parvenir à une solution, tandis que le gouvernement congolais a proclamé une « victoire totale » sur le mouvement du 23-Mars. Lundi, la Monusco, la force des Nations unies, avait envoyé ses hélicoptères et ses chars contre les positions du M23. Abdallah Wafy, représentant du secrétaire général de l'ONU en charge des opérations dans l'est du Congo, numéro 2 de la Monusco, revient sur cette implication que beaucoup considèrent comme décisive.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013 - 08:01
The Democratic Republic of Congo's M23 rebels have ended an18-month insurgency in one of Africa's deadliest conflict zones. As news spread, it became clear that this was what people had long been hoping for.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013 - 07:54
The United Nations special envoy for Africa’s Great Lakes region today joined other senior diplomatic officials in welcoming the announcement by the M23 rebel group that it is ending its bloody insurgency against the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), which for nearly two years has exacerbated humanitarian strife in the country’s restive east.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013 - 07:44
Though the M23 has been defeated, underlying grievances remain, while the dozens more rebel groups in the region may prove harder to uproot.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013 - 07:41
Group ends 20-month campaign after army captures last hilltop strongholds, raising hopes of peace breakthrough.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013 - 06:58
U.S. Department of State Spokesperson Marie Harf on the recent surrender of M23 in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013 - 06:24
The Presidents have confirmed their intention to meet in November 2013 to clarify their positions on a settlement and to discuss the way forward.
