Military Exercises

Tuesday, November 5, 2013 - 08:58
The M23 rebels in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo say they are laying down their arms, after military forces drove them from their last remaining strongholds. The declaration follows a call from African leaders meeting in South Africa for an end to the fighting.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013 - 08:43
Eastern Congo and North Kivu in particular, are currently going through an intense and decisive period. In less than a week, the Congolese army (FARDC) has re-conquered the towns until recently controlled by M23.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013 - 08:30
If the M23 movement in the Democratic Republic of Congo publicly renounces its rebellion, Kinshasa will accept the announcement and a peace deal will be signed five days later, say southern and east African leaders.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013 - 08:00
A rebel group in the Democratic Republic of the Congo declared an end to its insurgency after government troops drove fighters from their last remaining strongholds.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013 - 07:44
Bombs kill civilians as army goes after M23 rebels, accusing them of launching attack after promise to lay down arms.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013 - 07:06
U.S. Central Command is leveraging a popular National Guard Bureau program to increase partner capability while fostering close professional and person relationships between U.S. and partner military members within its area of responsibility.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013 - 00:00
The U.S. Air Force is taking part in Cruzeiro do Sul Exercise, a Brazilian air exercise that officially kicked off Nov. 4 and is scheduled to complete Nov. 15.
Monday, November 4, 2013 - 08:14
Shaikh Khalifa reviewed with Brig. Gen. Kimberly Field ways of bolstering bilateral relations of friendship and cooperation in all fields, especially regarding military and defence ones.
Monday, November 4, 2013 - 07:59
En RDC, la trêve demandée par la rébellion du M23 n’aura eu lieu que sur le papier. L’offensive de l’armée congolaise contre les derniers bastions du M23 a repris ce lundi matin 4 novembre, les cinq envoyés spéciaux des Nations unies se disent inquiets et mettent la pression pour que les deux parties cessent les hostilités.
Friday, November 1, 2013 - 10:40
Both sides also discussed ways to reinforce and develop the military cooperation between both countries, in addition to discussing a number of joint military projects between them.
